A lot of evil people hate Soros but this does not automatically make him a good person. In fact exactly the opposite is true. He was Nazi collaborator. The reader might think this has been "debunked" due to left leaning webpages.
But it has not been debunked. This is an extract from an interview with Soros on WNET-TV New York City.
"When the Germans came in, he said, 'This is a lawless occupation. The normal rules don't apply. You have to forget how you behave in a normal society. This is an abnormal situation.' And he arranged for all of us to have false papers, everybody had a different arrangement. I was adopted by an official of the ministry of agriculture, whose job was to take over Jewish properties, so I actually went with him, and WE TOOK POSSESSION OF THESE LARGE ESTATES. That was my identity. So it's a strange, very strange life. I was fourteen years old at the time."
There is more self-incrimination of PBS:
October 10, 2008 BILL MOYERS / GEORGE SOROS: "That's my ideology. As a child, I experienced FASCISM, THE NAZI OCCUPATION AND THEN COMMUNISM, TWO FALSE IDEOLOGIES. AND I LEARNED THAT BOTH OF THOSE IDEOLOGIES ARE FALSE.And now I was shocked when I found that even in a democracy people can be misled to the extent that we've been misled in the last few years."
Soros experienced Fascism, Nazism Communism, THREE FALSE IDEOLOGIES however Soros admits that only two of them were false. Evidence suggests the one he believed was TRUE was Nazism.
George's father, Tivadar: "On the day when the yellow star decree came into effect, I suggested to my younger son that we do a little field trip on the streetcar to see how people were taking it. He agreed, and so we set out to sample public opinion on this brutal attack on human rights. People seemed a little grimmer than usual, but that may have been because it was so early. They pretended not to notice that some people were wearing yellow stars on their coats. I heard only one offensive remark, when someone whispered, `I would never have guessed that that blond piglet-faced kid was Jewish.' In a way, this remark was good to hear, given my plans for the family. Later, however, my son accidentally blocked the way of some¬body who was trying to get on to the crowded streetcar. `Stop hogging all the space, son of a pig,' the stranger cried. I hastened to reassure my son: 'Pay no attention. People who have no manners ought not to offend you.' But my son insisted that the remark was intended primarily for me, not for him. 'Who's the pig I'm supposed to be the son of?' he asked me. We had a little discussion, he and I, about whether the remark said more about him as a son or me as his father. We were generally pleased at how people were taking matters and we went home in good humor."
Our story of betrayal begins when Eichmann came to Hungary and he set up many Judenrat throughout the country. These are councils that were headed by local Jewish leaders to interface with the Nazi occupiers of the country. According to his father, Tivadar Soros enjoyed working for the Judenrat, which was "besieged by people looking for administrative jobs in the hope of entitlement to some kind of exemption [from deporation to the death camps] as council employees." This Judenrat connection in itself is significant in determining if Soros was or was not a Nazi collaborator. Soros' father recalled that his son called his work for the Judenrat "a great adventure" and Soros today recalls the German occupation of Hungary as “probably the happiest year of my life.” On another occasion he said it was "the most exciting time of my life." (Buying a Better World: George Soros and Billionaire Philanthropy by Anna Porter March 17, 2015) “For me,” Soros elaborates, “it was a very positive experience. It’s a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you and the fact you are in considerable danger yourself. But you’re fourteen years old and you don’t believe that it can actually touch you. You have a belief in yourself. You have a belief in your father. It’s a very happy-making, exhilarating experience." Tivador had a different take on things:
"The goal for the Jews ought to be simply to survive the next few months until the fall of Hitler finally occurs. How can we survive? You'll probably be surprised at my answer. Survival will be possible only if the Jews don't allow themselves to be herded into ghettos or other convenient collection points, and if they pay no attention to their leaders and do their best to get out on their own. `The Jewish Council should resign and disappear. In fact, the leaders of the Jewish congregations should have gone underground long since. If they had, there would have been no responsible people on whom the Germans could rely to tyrannize over the Jews. But there's one thing the council should do before it resigns: it should sell off all its real estate as quickly as possible. Right now, that would actually be possible: with inflation at the present rate, there would be no shortage of Christian buyers willing to make a quick decision to buy. This would give the council members several million pengos, which they could give to needy Jews, who would need money to survive...it was from two young Orthodox Jewish women that I heard the first details about the German death camps. What they told me meant that the postcard from Waldsee that I had received from my sister after she was deported from Nyftegyhaza was her last greeting and merely veiled the truth about Auschwitz. My new acquaintances also enjoyed good relations with several members of the Jewish Council, or their sons, and from them they received up-to-date information. They explained to me, in confidence, that someone had succeeded in getting out of the death camp at Auschwitz and had told the whole story. There was a copy of his statement at the Council office with details of the German atrocities. We talked a lot about how we might escape, though they saw the escape route in a quite different way."
Rudolf Vrba, an escapee whose detailed report of April 1944 first documented the extent of the horrors at Auschwitz, blamed the Jewish elite who composed the Budapest Judenrat, charging them in his later memoirs with complicity in the Nazis’ crimes: “It is my contention that a small group of informed people, by their silence, deprived others of the possibility or privilege of making their own decisions in the face of mortal dangers.” Rudolf Kastner, head of the bogus Zionist Rescue Committee concealed this report from the Hungarian Jews about the extent of mass murder going on in Auschwitz and the plans being put in place for the mass murder of Hungarian Jews. Rather than alert the Jewish deportees, he let them persist in the belief that they were being taken to a labor camp in Hungary, not to a death camp in Poland. Kastner's Zionist Rescue Committee managed to usurp the political contacts with the Nazis from the official Judenrat which increasingly deferred to his wishes. Eichmann’s officers had not, of course, bestowed this extraordinary promotion on the head of the rescue committee for free. The price for the rise of Kasztner would be paid by the Jews of Hungary.
Tivadar was not connected to Kastner or the Judenrat. But George was and anyone who was part of it, to the smallest degree, was a moser, an informer on Jews for the Nazis. That is why the discrepancy between George's version of events and that of his father in regard to serving death warrants on Jews is important. It indicates he is lying about his activities during this period in his life. Soros wrote:
"I cannot be objective about this book [his father's book Masquerade]. It deals with the formative period of my life and it is written by my father who was the most important figure in my life at that time. The book brings back memories which are sharply etched in my mind, more sharply than anything else that happened to me. It is a sacrilegious thing to say, but these ten months were the happiest times of my life. I was fourteen years old. We were in great peril, but my father was seemingly in command of the situation. I was aware of the dangers because my father spent a lot of time explaining them to me but I did not believe in my heart of hearts that I could get hurt. We were pursued by evil forces and we were clearly on the side of the angels because we were unjustly persecuted; moreover, we were trying not only to save ourselves but also to save others. The odds were against us but we seemed to have the upper hand. What more could a fourteen-year-old want? I adored and admired my father. We led an adventurous life and we had fun together. I think some of that feeling comes through in the book but my father was far too modest to brag about how many people he helped."
Tivador helped numerous Jews get false identity papers during Holocaust according to his account in Masquerade and his detailed accounts are totally credible.
NEW EVIDENCE: George's father said he told his son not to deliver the Nazi Death Warrants, but George said his father told him to deliver the Nazi Death Warrants but to warn the families. So apparently George delivered the Nazi Death Warrants. Warning the families was moot. They knew where they were told to assemble was a prison where others had been taken never to be seen again. So George played along hoping it would buy him some time.
TIVADAR: "When systematic persecution of the Jews began, it was carried out not by the Germans, nor by their Hungarian lackeys, but — most astonishingly — by the Jews themselves. One of the first things the Germans did was to form a so-called Jewish Council, consisting of the leaders of the Jewish community. Council members were made personally responsible for the implementation of the various German measures relating to the Jewish population. As a reward they, their families and those who worked for them were exempted, at least at the beginning, from these restrictions. The Germans invented this 'brilliant' scheme at the beginning of World War II. It had already been used in other occupied countries with conspicuous success. The Jewish Council carried out German wishes far more conscientiously than the Germans could themselves. There was nothing the Germans could request that they were not ready, without a second's thought, to provide. Of course, their own skins were at risk: if they did not comply they would be the first to be punished; if they did, they would be safe — or so they thought. They appealed to the Jewish community earnestly, almost desperately, to follow orders. As they were respected citizens, their word carried weight. They succeeded in convincing themselves that they were serving the Germans not out of selfish motives but in the interests of the Jewish community: as long as the Jews complied voluntarily their ill-treatment would be kept within bounds, Nothing could have suited the Germans better; they saved themselves the trouble and expense of having to enforce their own orders. It was a master-stroke. The headquarters of the council, on Sip Street, became a bustling center of activity. Every Jew who had suffered injury ran immediately to Sip Street seeking remedy: there were people who had been evicted from their homes, people who were trying to trace a member of their family who had disappeared, people who had been robbed, people who wanted to travel, people who need medical care or money, or people who were just hanging around in the hope of finding protection. The Council was besieged by people looking for administrative jobs in the hope of entitlement to some kind of exemption as council employees. Within days it became a huge bureaucracy. As Jews couldn't go to school anymore and their teachers couldn't teach, they were ordered to report to council headquarters. The children were enlisted as couriers under the command of their teachers. My younger son George also became a courier. On the second day he returned home at 7 in the evening."
TIVADAR: What did you do all day?
GEORGE: Mostly nothing. But this afternoon I was given some notice to deliver to various addresses
TIVADAR: Did you read what they said
GEORGE: I even brought one home
TIVADAR: He handed me a small slip of paper, with a typewritten message:
You are requested to report tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at the Rabbinical Seminary in Rokk Szildrd Street. Please bring with you a blanket, and food for two days. The Jewish Council.
TIVADAR: 'Do you know what this means?' I asked him.
GEORGE: I can guess, he replied with great seriousness. They'll be interned. [Murdered?]
TIVADAR: I was too ashamed of the world I had brought him into to enlighten him. The Jewish Council has no right to give people orders like that, I told him. You are not to work there any more:
GEORGE: l tried to tell the people I called on not to obey: he said, dearly disappointed that I wouldn't let him work anymore. He was beginning to enjoy his career as a courier: it was all a big adventure.
TIVADAR: What kinds of people are on your list?' I asked him.
GEORGE: They're lawyers, and their names all begin with the letters B and C.
"As a lawyer I found this all most enlightening. Within a few days it transpired that all the more prominent lawyers were being called for internment — in alphabetical order.. Although I forbade my son to work for the Jewish Council, the council continued to operate diligently and with enthusiasm. By the end of the week they had reached the letter G. Since my own name started with an S. I felt I had a little time. Was I on the list, I wondered? Fortunately I had never considered myself among the highly paid lawyers, so it was likely that, given the principles of selection, they had omitted me. But my wife, driven less by logic than by fear, was convinced that my name was on the list. I had never been too ambitious, and on that account had had to put up with a lot of nagging from my wife, who, perhaps with a touch of vanity, didn't want to be the only person with a philosophy that was especially developed for the purpose: it doesn't pay to be prominent. You become identified with the ideas or opinions you hold, and if those ideas are attacked you have to sacrifice either the opinions or yourself. As I had no wish to become a martyr I preferred to stay in the background. I was determined not to answer the summons if I got one. Let them come and get me if they could. I had no intention of making it easy for them. In conversation with my lawyer friends, I found not a single person who planned to resist...My friends were going to the slaughter house of their own accord...After the war a marble plaque was unveiled in the Bar Association bearing the names of 600 Jewish lawyers who perished through the Jewish Council summonses in 1944. Many of the could have avoid the glory of maytyrdom by refusing to answer the call."
George’s account varies from Tivadar's retelling. In a 1994 interview with Michael Lewis for the New Republic, Soros recalled that his father told him to warn people to disobey the summons lest they be deported:
"The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper. It was three or four lines. It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. Bring a blanket and food for twenty-four hours. And I was given a list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it, you see. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. HE SAID, “YOU DELIVER THE SLIPS OF PAPER AND TELL
I'm not sure to what extent he knew they were going to be gassed. I DID WHAT MY FATHER SAID. There was one man I shall not forget. I TOOK IT TO HIM and told him what my father had said. He said: “Tell your father that I am a law-abiding citizen, that I have always been a law-abiding citizen and I am not going to start breaking the law now.” And that stayed with me forever." If George would have warned the people he was delivering the warrants to and the people left, their departure would have been easily traced back to George. Remember he said "he tried to warn them" which is different than he warned them. In reality all this talk of "warning" as if the Jews didn't know what was going to happen to them was a dirty lie.
On March 19, 1944 German troops marched into Budapest (Operation Margarethe). The next day, the Rabbinical Seminary in Rökk Szilárd Street was confiscated by the Schutzstaffel (SS) and turned into a prison. From there, Adolf Eichmann organized the deportation of thousands of Hungarian Jews and some political detainees into the death camps, mainly to Auschwitz.
From the testimony of a genocide survivor: "A similar internment camp functioned in the building of the Rabbinical Seminary in Rökk Szilárd Street. Etel Lind was declared to have "alien nationality", which is why she was interned here. "Here the police took all our valuables and treated us with great brutality." REFERENCE For eight weeks, beginning in mid-May 1944, Eichmann was able to load Jews onto the death trains at the rate of up to twelve thousand per day. Within a mere two months, some 400,000 Jews would be dead.
"With Paul's departure, it was now fourteen-year-old George's turn to slip away. George was the special favorite of my Christian barber, who had been cutting his hair for the past ten years and was a great admirer of his wit. His bons mots, even as a little fellow, were a source of amusement for all of us. Once, when he was about five years old, someone asked him, `What kind of man is your father?' `He's a married bachelor,' George announced. Another time, when he could not have been much older, I noticed he had become unusually polite to everybody in the elevator, greeting people, pressing the button, holding the door open, wishing them good day as they left. I asked him, 'What's got into you, George? You're never as polite as that at home.' 'But, Daddy, on the elevator I have to stay polite only for a minute or so, and I can have a lot of effect on a lot of people.' The barber promised to work something out for George. First he did a thorough review of his various clients, and, after much softening up, he broached the subject with a Mr Baufluss, who was an official at the Ministry of Agriculture. Mr Baufluss was of German origin, a jovial, pink fellow, who couldn't be all bad, as the saying goes, since he was extremely fond of strong drink and fast women. We said nothing about money, but that night, when we drank a toast to our friendship, I slipped him a few thousand. Baufluss was charged by the ministry with inventorying con fiscated Jewish estates. He was home only at weekends; the rest of his time he spent taking inventory in the provinces. During the week George passed his time alone in Baufluss's apartment. Lacking anything else to do, he caught the attention of some of his schoolmates, who lived in the building across the way. Communicating by hand signals, they seemed surprised to see him holed up in somebody else's house. The following week the kind-hearted Baufluss, in an effort to cheer the unhappy lad up, took him off with him to the provinces. At the time he was working in Transdanubia, west of Budapest, on the model estate of a Jewish aristocrat, Baron Moric Kornfeld. There they were wined and dined by what was left of the staff. George also met several other ministry officials, who immediately took a liking to the young man, the alleged godson of Mr Baufluss. He even helped with the inventory. Surrounded by good company, he quickly regained his spirits." On September 12, 2003 Soros was interviewed on PBS and this was all that was said about his time in Nazi occupied Hungary:
BRANCACCIO: Do you see a thread that links your childhood experience with your career as a financier, with your philanthropy, and now political activist?
SOROS: Oh, it's a very strong thread that leads right through. You know, I learned at a very early age that what kind of social system or political system prevails is very important. Not just for your well-being, but for your very survival. Because, you know, I could have been killed by the Nazis. I could have wasted my life under the Communists. So, that's what led me to this idea of an open society. And that is the idea that is motivating me.
The theory that George Soros collaborated with the Nazis has been debunked by numerous websites some of which like WIKIPEDIA have ties to the Soros run Tides Foundation. Soros' tentacles are just about everywhere. It is impossible to write something about him without being censored.
Kroft: You were a Hungarian Jew who escaped the Holocaust by posing as a Christian?
Soros: Right.
Kroft: and you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps?
Soros: I was 14 years old and I would say that that's when my character was made.
Kroft: In what way?
Soros: That one should think ahead one should understand and and anticipate events and one one is threatened it was a tremendous threat of evil I mean it was a very personal experience of evil
Kroft: My understanding is is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Soros: yes yes
Kroft: Went out in fact and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews
Soros: That is right yes sir
Kroft:I mean that's that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many many years was it difficult?
Soros: No not at all not at all it may be as a child you don't you don't see the connection but it was
Kroft: It created no no problem at all no feeling of guilt know for example that I'm Jewish and Here I am watching these people go I could just as easily be there I should be there none of that
Soros: Well a of course I could I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom it the thing is being taken away but there was no sense that I shouldn't be there because that was well actually funny way it's just like in markets that if I weren't there of course I wasn't doing it but somebody else would be taking it away anyhow whether I was there or not I was only a spectator the property was being taken away so I had no role in taking away that property so I had no sense of guilt.
In the Kroft interview Soros admits being a Nazi collaborator, then explains that if he didn't confiscate the property somebody else would have, the oldest excuse in the world, then says he was just an unlooker - so he feels no guilt. Which is it? This was not someone's apartment or home they were inventoring, it was an estate would require more than one person. New York Times reporter Michael T. Kaufman’s Soros biography reports the following self-serving story as truth and it is echoed throughout the Internet:
"This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his “godson” behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld’s staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss." WIKI OFFICIAL VERSION: "Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while inventorizing a Jewish family's confiscated estate." If he didn't help his "uncle" inventory the Nazi loot it might have aroused suspicion? Wouldn't George have been safer staying at home rather than going to this estate when by his own admission he had to hide his penis when he peed? This was a gigantic estate and needed more than one person to inventory it. With George's mathematical ability he could have added up the value on the spot. Remember how he considered working the Judenrat to be "an adventure?" This was another adventure for him. Soros stories about this time are often confusing and contradictory because he is covering up the fact that he was a Nazi collaborator. If this was an innocent trip why does Soros even mention it at all? The estate story must have originated with him. Kornfeld had already left for Portugal. Perhaps he was afraid someone might expose him and he had to take pre-emptive measures to counteract them. It is clear that George delivered those death warrants so why not participate in this inventory?
"He traces its origins to 1944—a year that he has said he recalls more vividly than any other in his life—when, aged fourteen, he posed as the son of a Hungarian government official, sometimes accompanying the official as he delivered deportation notices to Jews, or took possession of property owned by them. Self-control and detachment were the keys to survival. Soros recalled that when his mother was questioned at the police station by the local sheriffs, she convinced her interrogators that she was indeed the person her false papers stated she was by an exercise of detachment so extreme that she felt herself to be hovering near the ceiling, observing her bravura performance from above. He added, however, that after she was released she collapsed, suffering what was “kind of a nervous breakdown”—and he was furious at her for showing such weakness. “MY MOTHER WAS QUITE ANTI-SEMITIC, AND ASHAMED OF BEING JEWISH.
GIVEN THE CULTURE IN WHICH ONE LIVED, BEING JEWISH WAS A CLEAR-CUT STIGMA, A DISADVANTAGE, A HANDICAP—AND, THEREFORE, THERE WAS ALWAYS THE DESIRE TO TRANSCEND IT, TO ESCAPE IT.” He confirmed what someone had told me—that his family name had long ago been changed from Schwartz. “So the assimilationist Jews of Hungary had a deep sense of inferiority, and it took me a long time to work through that,” he said, adding, however, that he succeeded in doing so many years ago. He remarked, with a dry chuckle, “Of course, this whole interest in universal ideas is a typical means to escape from the particular.” Was he not, then, still seeking that escape? “I am escaping the particular. I think I am doing exactly that by espousing this universal concept”—of open society. “In other words, I don’t think that you can ever overcome anti-Semitism if you behave as a tribe. . . . The only way you can overcome it is if you give up the tribalness.” REFERENCE TRIBE a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader. In other words the only way the Jews can overcome anti-Semitism is by giving up their religion and assimilating. If Soros made this statement about Muslims, his life wouldn't be worth two cents.
"The barber promised to work something out for George. First he did a thorough review of his various clients, and, after much
softening up, he broached the subject with a Mr Baufluss, who was an official at the Ministry of Agriculture. Mr Baufluss was of German origin, a jovial, pink fellow, who couldn't be all bad, as the
saying goes, since he was extremely fond of strong drink and fast women. We said nothing about money, but that night, when we drank a toast to our friendship, I slipped him a few thousand.
Baufluss was charged by the ministry with inventorying confiscated Jewish estates. He was home only at weekends; the rest
of his time he spent taking inventory in the provinces. During the week George passed his time alone in Baufluss's apartment. Lacking anything else to do, he caught the attention of some of his schoolmates, who lived in the building across the way. Communicating by hand signals, they seemed surprised to see him holed up in somebody else's house. The following week
the kind-hearted Baufluss, in an effort to cheer the unhappy lad up, took him off with him to the provinces. At the time he was working in Transdanubia, west of Budapest, on the model estate of
a Jewish aristocrat, Baron Moric Kornfeld. There they were wined and dined by what was left of the staff. George also met several other ministry officials, who immediately took a liking to the young
man, the alleged godson of Mr Baufluss. He even helped with the inventory. Surrounded by good company, he quickly regained his spirits. On Saturday he returned to Budapest." "When the Nazis invaded, Tivadar decided to split the family up for their own safety. He hid in the back of a furniture shop, while his wife went into hiding near Lake Balaton in western Hungary. Paul posed as a non-Jewish boy. Blonde George, meanwhile, was given the name Kiss Sandor, along with a set of Christian papers. He was then taken in by a man called Baumbach, also known as Baufluss, whom Tivadar paid to protect his son. Baumbach was an official at the Ministry of Agriculture who had worked with Soros' father. HE WAS ALSO A NAZI COLLABORATOR, WHO DREW UP INVENTORIES OF PROPERTY SEIZED FROM THE HALF-A-MILLION HUNGARIAN JEWS AFTER THEY HAD BEEN SENT TO THEIR
DEATHS. On one occasion, when Soros was feeling downhearted, Baumbach took him on a trip into the countryside to catalogue the contents of an estate belonging to Baron Moric Kornfeld, a wealthy Jewish businessman, who was arrested in March 1944 when the Germans arrived. In exchange for turning over all his property, he was allowed to leave Hungary with his family for a neutral territory. A month after he left, Baumbach was sent to do an inventory on his property. After the War, Soros' father claimed that his son, then 14, CHARMED COLLABORATIONIST OFFICIALS DURING THE CONFISCATION, AND EVEN HELPED BAUMBACH DRAW UP AN INVENTORY OF THE STOLEN PROPERTY. But Soros' time with Baumbach did not last long. As the official lived close to the Soros family home, it was not long before the boy was recognised by former schoolmates while he was standing on the balcony. An alternative hiding place had to be found. That was when Prohászka, one of Baumbach's subordinates at the Ministry of Agriculture, stepped forward to conceal Soros in a secret room behind a cupboard at his Budapest home. According to Istvan Stefka, a former neighbour of the Prohászkas in Budapest, after the War Soros showed his gratitude by giving the family $20 per month. 'The money never went up, even as Soros became rich and inflation rose,' Mr Stefka said. 'That caused some tension for Mr Prohászka." REFERENCE While Soros was living on Riverside Drive and on Christopher Street he was close friends with the beat poet Allen Ginsberg. Ginsberg visited him frequently. It was Ginsberg who Soros claims persuaded him to champion drug legalization. Ginsberg was a Red Diaper Baby whose mother was institutionalized when she thought the FBI was hiding under her bed.
Ginsberg was also an enemy of Israel and traveled to the Holy Land in 1988 and compiled a dossier on Israeli censorship of the Palestinian media. Working with a committee of Pro-Palestinian Jews in New York, which included Arthur Miller, Norman Mailer, Erica Jong, Susan Sontag and others, Ginsberg organized the signing of a dispatch of a formal protest letter to the Israeli Government, demanding freedom of press for Palestinian journalists in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. The letter made headlines in the New York Times. Giving these terrorist sympathizers the ability to write what they wanted would have led to terrorist incitement and the loss of Jewish lives. This wouldn't have upset Allen Ginsberg unless the lives that were lost were those of underage boys. Ginsberg was a gay and card carrying member of NAMBLA, The North American Man Boy Love Association. Ginsberg stated, "Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witch hunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance...I'm a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too -- everybody does, who has a little humanity." When Ginsberg died his NAMBLA membership card mysteriously disappeared from his estate.
In 1959 George left his two rooms on Riverside Drive to his Survivor parents and moved into ANNALIESE WITSCHAK (born January 3, 1934) apartment on Christopher Street. Christopher Street has always been the main drag, so to speak, of gay Greenwich Village. ANNALIESE WITSCHAK and GEORGE SCHWARTZ had several children together which was rare on Christopher Street. Soon after moving in he married the German speaking Frau. In 1978 he separated from Annaliese, with whom he has three children. In 1981 he divorced her. It seems strange that he should fall in love with a German national after WWII but is fits in with everything we know about him.
According to Soros official biographer:
Annaliese was an attractive and elegant woman with an interest in art and music who had emigrated to America from her native Germany. She was an orphan who had also survived the deprivations of war and the dislocations of peace near Hamburg. With few family ties she came to New York." [Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire By Michael T. Kaufman] The biographer bootlicker Kaufman was very ambiguous. Was ANNALIESE WITSCHAK's father a Nazi soldier who was killed by the Allies? Was he a Nazi official? Was her mother and father killed by Allied bombing of Dresden which the Nazis always complainabout? Was she "dislocated" to a Prisoner of War camp or Displaced Persons Camp near Hamburg? Soros is a sick bastard and probably married a former Nazi Mädel.
Heinrich Rudolf Witschak from Randecker Family Tree Birth 1912 Germany Death 1945 Dresden Sachsen Germany. Special Invesigations Division can find no Nazi connection other than the fact they lived in Dresden during the Allied Attack.
The names of ANNALIESE WITSCHAK parents seem to have been SCRUBBED from Ancestory.Com
In 1930 the Bund Deutscher Mädel (German League of Girls) was formed as the female branch of the Hitler Youth movement. There were two general age groups: the Jungmädel, from ten to fourteen years of age, and older girls from fifteen to twenty-one years of age. Was ANNALIESE WITSCHAK part of this compulsory movement?
Roseann Barr made an accusation without any proof and apologised for it later on.
ICYMI: Don Jr. has been retweeting Roseanne. pic.twitter.com/0sv8XjOSLb In April 2019, Omar called for the release of Hoda Abdelmonem a senior Muslim Brotherhood member who had been detained in Egypt since November 2018 as part of Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s crackdown on the Brotherhood’s activities in his nation. This is significant. ILHAN OMAR supports al-Shabbaab along with the Moslem Brotherhood. The MB believes the path to the Umma, world Islamic State, lies with the ballot box Al-Shabbaab believes it can be found with violence. OMAR gave her "some people did something" speech while being honored by the Muslim Brotherhood Front, CAIR, which is funded by the Soros non-profit, The Tides Center, an organization that allows wimpy liberals to donate to anti-Israel groups without leaving a paper trail.
"Revolutions usually start with enthusiasm and end in tears. In the case of the Middle East, the tears could be avoided if President Obama stands firmly by the values that got him elected. Although American power and influence in the world have declined, our allies and their armies look to us for direction. These armies are strong enough to maintain law and order as long as they stay out of politics; thus the revolutions can remain peaceful. That is what the United States should insist on while encouraging corrupt and repressive rulers who are no longer tolerated by their people to step aside and allow new leaders to be elected in free and fair elections. That is the course that the revolution in Tunisia is taking. Tunisia has a relatively well-developed middle class, women there enjoy greater rights and opportunities than in most Muslim countries, and the failed regime was secular in character. The prospects for democratic change are favorable. Egypt is more complex and, ultimately, more influential, which is why it is so important to get it right. The protesters are very diverse, including highly educated and common people, young and old, well-to-do and desperately poor. WHILE THE SLOGANS AND CROWDS IN TAHRIR SQUARE ARE NOT ADVANCING A THEOCRATIC AGENDA AT ALL, the best-organized political opposition that managed to survive in that country's repressive environment is the Muslim Brotherhood. In free elections, the Brotherhood is bound to emerge as a major political force, though it is far from assured of a majority." The Muslim Brotherhood believes that world Muslim domination can be achieved through the ballot box rather than the bullet. The statement "crowds in Tahrir Square are not advancing a theocratic agenda AT ALL" is a dirty lie. As a result of the MB fixing elections Mohamed Morsi was "elected" president but had to step down after the Egyptians signatures on a petition to remove outnumbered the rigged votes that got in an election Mr. Open Society thought was fair.
"Some have articulated fears of adverse consequences of free elections, suggesting that the Egyptian military may seek to falsify the results; that Israel may be adamantly opposed to a regime change; that the domino effect of extremist politics spreading to other countries must be avoided; and that the supply of oil from the region could be disrupted. These notions constitute the old conventional wisdom about the Middle East - and need to be changed, lest Washington incorrectly put up resistance to or hesitate in supporting transition in Egypt." Soros is more worried about the Egyptian military fixing the election than the MB and he is hinting that Israel might attempt to influence the outcome "..that Israel may be adamantly opposed to a regime change" What does this mean? "...that the domino effect of extremist politics spreading to other countries must be avoided" It means he knows that if the MB comes to power Israel might have problems. This editorial makes it apparent Soros doesn't really want a free society - after the MB was elected it started to crack down and dismantle numerous democratic institutions. National heros like Hosni Mubarak, who knew how to deal with murderous Islamists were imprisoned. All this scumbag cares about is destroying Israel.
"That would be regrettable. President Obama personally and the United States as a country have much to gain by moving out in front and siding with the public demand for dignity and democracy. This would help rebuild America's leadership and remove a lingering structural weakness in our alliances that comes from being associated with unpopular and repressive regimes. Most important, doing so would open the way to peaceful progress in the region. THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD'S COOPERATION WITH MOHAMED EL-BARADEI, THE NOBEL LAUREATE WHO IS SEEKING TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT, IS A HOPEFUL SIGN THAT IT INTENDS TO PLAY A CONSTRUCTIVE ROLE IN A DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL SYSTEM.
As regards contagion, it is more likely to endanger the enemies of the United States - Syria and Iran - than our allies, provided that they are willing to move out ahead of the avalanche." America should disassociate itself from Mubarak and Sadat's Egypt along with the most repressive state in the Middle East, Israel.
"The main stumbling block is Israel. In reality, Israel has as much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks. And some U.S. supporters of Israel are more rigid and ideological than Israelis themselves. Fortunately, Obama is not beholden to the religious right, which has carried on a veritable vendetta against him. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is no longer monolithic or the sole representative of the Jewish community. The main danger is that the Obama administration will not adjust its policies quickly enough to the suddenly changed reality." A Nazi collaborator is going to tell Jews what is in their own best interests? What he really wants to tell them is that it is in your own best interests to be gassed.
"I am, as a general rule, wary of revolutions. But in the case of Egypt, I see a good chance of success. As a committed advocate of democracy and open society, I cannot help but share in the enthusiasm that is sweeping across the Middle East. I hope President Obama will expeditiously support the people of Egypt. My foundations are prepared to contribute what they can. In practice, that means establishing resource centers for supporting the rule of law, constitutional reform, fighting corruption and strengthening democratic institutions in those countries that request help in establishing them, while staying out of those countries where such efforts are not welcome." The Open Society Foundation has provided at least USD 1.4 million to organizations closely associated to the Muslim Brotherhood for their campaigns. Thus, Soros has been indirectly financing an organization known for its ties with terrorism, violence, sexism, and religious intolerance. Moreover, he seems to ignore the ties of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West to terrorist groups, as reported by the Wall Street Journal: “The Muslim Brotherhood… calls for the Muslim religion to dominate all aspects of life… the Brotherhood has also inspired some of the deadliest terrorist movements, such as Hamas and Al Qaeda.” Let’s take a look at some of the recipients of OSF funding, as mentioned in OSF reports:
ENAR (European Network Against Racism) has received over USD 1.1 million from OSF since 2011. Co-founder Michaël Privot publicly admitted he had joined the Muslim Brotherhood. Another member, Intisar Kherigi, is the daughter of Rached Ghannouchi, co-founder of the Ennahdha Party, the Tunisian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Rached Ghannouchi attended the funeral of his late friend Hassan Turabi, Sudan’s Muslim Brotherhood leader and Sharia law supporter who hosted Osama bin Laden.
Inssan EV, a German association founded in 2001, received USD 100,000 from OSF. It operates from the premises of the Muslim Youth of Germany (MJD), chaired by Bilal El Zayat. He is the brother of Muslim Brotherhood leader Ibrahim Farouk El Zayat, former chair of Islamic Relief Worldwide and board member of the Islamic Society of Germany (IGD), formerly chaired by Muslim Brotherhood leader Ali Ghaleb Himmat. Ibrahim El Zayat’s brother-in-law is the nephew of Necmettin Erbakan, late founder of Milli Görüs — the Turkish branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In 2015, OSF gave USD 97,180 to Ibn Rushd Studieförbund (Ibn Rushd Study Association) for its combat against Islamophobia in Sweden. An active member of this association, Helena Benaouda, chairs the Muslim Council of Sweden. Her daughter Safia Benaouda was arrested in Somalia (2007), Pakistan (2009), and Denmark (2010) for alleged ties with terrorists. On 30 December 2010, Helena’s son-in-law Munir Awad was arrested in Denmark on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack against Jyllands-Posten, the newspaper that published a number of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Ibn Rushd director Omar Mustafa Siala has served as vice-president of the Swede branch of Islamic Relief and president of the Islamic Association in Sweden. Mustafa was expelled from the Socialist Party amid allegations of anti-gay bias, sexism, and anti-Semitism.
The EFOMW (European Forum of Muslim Women), received some funding — less than USD 16,000 — from OSF to run an “anti-islamophobia” campaign. Not as much as other advocacy groups against Islamophobia managed mainly by men. EFOMW is the sister organization of the Muslim Brotherhood-founded Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE). It was co-founded by Lamia El Amri, acting chair of trustees of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) and is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. EFOMW’s current chairperson is Noura Jaballah, a relative of Ahmed Jaballah, the former chairperson of UOIF, a former director of Europe Trust and former dean of European Institute of Human Sciences (EIHS), three organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
If Soros is honestly aiming to build a more open society as he claims, he should ask Bill Gates for advice. Thus far, he is blatantly helping the open society’s foes.
All part of an agenda to kill Jews, just as he did in Hungary. Soros never gave a shekel to Israel to help poor Jews but 2010 Soros had given out $12 billion to other countries. In 2010 he donated $1 million to ORT to develop a program for Liberia’s former child soldiers and in 2012 he contributed $825,000 to 15 reformed synagogues and Hebrew Schools that push a pro-Palestine agenda.
In 2008 he contributed to J Street, a group that wants to weaken Israel militarily and supported the Iran Nuclear Treaty which doomed Israel.
Through his Open Society Foundations, Soros also contributed to the anti-Israeli human rights (terrorist rights) organization B’Tselem. B’Tselem uses human-rights rhetoric to conceal a radical and indeed anti-Zionist political agenda that would be met with far less sympathy were it honestly expressed.
Soros also supports the anti-occupation group Breaking the Silence, which has been identified as a group of IDF veterans intent on getting other IDF members indicted by foreign courts and arrested if they travel outside the country. They also reveal Israel military secrets regarding the IDF's presence in Judea-Samara.
According to DC Leaks, Soros gave more than $2 million to Adalah, an “independent human rights organization.” As a matter of policy, Adalah demands that governments sever diplomatic relations with what they call "the Zionist entity."
Soros also donated more than $1 million to the Palestinian media center I’lam, which regularly accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing.
In 2003 Soros lent credence to Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed’s charge that Jews rule the world by proxy. Soros said Jewish influence was an “unintended consequence” of his own actions and had contributed to Jew hatred.
In November 2003 when he spoke to the Jewish Funders Network in New York he talked about his Palestinian projects and he said: “There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush Administration and the Sharon Administration contribute to that…If he changes direction anti-Semitism will diminish."
In a 2007 article in the New York Review of Books he stated: “I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blaming Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel [however] at the same time, I do believe the attitudes towards Israel are influenced by Israel’s policies and attitudes toward the Jewish Community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby’s success in suppressing divergent views."
In January 2019, Israel released a list of 20 BDS-supporting organizations whose members will be banned from entering Israel due to their BDS activism, prominently featuring six American groups. At least four of the six BDS-promoting U.S. groups receive funding tied to Soros. Scores of other U.S. organizations that support the BDS movement are financed by Soros.
Students for Justice in Palestine receives legal help for its work from an organization called Palestine Legal. Palestine Legal was created for the express purpose of “stand[ing] for justice in Palestine” and defending BDS. Palestine Legal’s website advertises that it is a “fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center.” The Tides Center is a subsidiary entity of the Soros-funded Tides Foundation.
Also banned from entering Israel over BDS activism is the radical CODEPINK organization, which has been financed by the Soros-funded Tides Foundation and is well known for its disruptive protest antics.
Soros is a good example of the Left-Right synthesis when it comes to Israel. “One form of the hatred originates on the political right, the other on the left,” author Basri Weiss explains. “They may seem wildly different at first glance, but they are mirror images of the same derangement. And each one reaches the same conclusion, though perhaps at slightly different speeds: Eliminate the Jew.”
It is true that George Soros was a Nazi collaborator who acted under extreme duress and under normal circumstances should be forgiven for his deeds, however his subsequent actions funding every anti-Israel group you can shake a lulav at tells us he has no remorse for his deeds and thought it was all a "great adventure." Soros disagreed: “Instead of submitting to our fate, we resisted an evil force that was much stronger than we were — yet we prevailed. Not only did we survive, but we managed to help others.”
Soros, then fourteen years old, helped his father [who had already survived one deportation as a prisoner in Russia during the Russian Revolution] formulate thousands of fake documents for many of their fleeing countrymen. Soros remembered that his father would provide free documents for people he knew or who were in immediate danger, would request money only to cover his expenses from people whom he felt a moral obligation to help, and would ask for as much money as the wealthy could afford. Soros reflected on his father's honesty during the Holocaust, but he also remembered the number of laws his father had to break in order to provide safety for his family and countrymen. Soros learned the art of survival from his father, and he came out of the experience resolved to be undaunted by challenges. REFERENCE "THOUSANDS OF FAKE DOCUMENTS?" Did anyone ever hear the testimony of one Holocaust suvivor say "I WAS SAVED BY TIVADAR SOROS?" The Nazis would have detected at least one document as fake, tortured the document holder and come for the entire Soros family. The fact is the only ones who got the fake documents were immediate family members. Soros makes his father look really good and like a Holocaust Robin Hood. He wouldn't charge the poor only the rich. The bottom line here is that his father was hiding in a secret room in a furniture shop so how could he have produced thousands of fake documents?
Foreword to Masquerade by George Soros:
The Germans occupied Hungary on March 19, 1944. We were liberated by the Russians on January 12, 1945. During those ten months we lived in mortal danger. More than half the Jews living in Hungary, and perhaps a third of the Jews living in Budapest, perished during that time. I and my family survived. MOREOVER MY FATHER HELPED
In March 1944 there were more than 800,000 Jews living in Hungary. In May 1944 the deportations to Auschwitz began. In just eight weeks, some 424,000 Jews were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. After October 1944, when the Arrow Cross party came to power, thousands of Jews from Budapest were murdered on the banks of the Danube and tens of thousands were marched hundreds of miles towards the Austrian border. In all, some 565,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered.
Soros first venture into capitalism was in post-war Hungary, where he sold jewelry in a time of hyper-inflation. Then he came to fame, and accumulated his vast wealth, by trashing the currency of Great Britain, one of the world's greatest democracies. Currency devaluations are devastating for democracies. They weaken the people's confidence in the security of their own economic future and breed distrust of democratic institutions. To score an arbitrage, Soros deliberately trashed the pound sterling and the lire. After rocking one of the foundations of democracy, he appointed himself the scourge of those who, in his telling, undermine democracy. The man is a poster child for the moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy.
The idea that billionaires who first and foremost play with their enormous amounts of money, mostly acquired at the cost of others, can represent true liberalism and an open society, is false. A single billionaire can force his wishes for any society, on that society, against millions and millions of voters. Soros does not represent democracy or freedom at all. He represents his money and himself. There is no real difference between a Russian oligarch and a Western billionaire. They represent only themselves if not forced to do otherwise by legislation and political leading as has taken place in ORBAN's Hungary. Soros ruined small enterprises and ordinary people’s properties to get hold of bigger markets and investment room for their money, making them cheap and rootless laborers. He ruined the countryside and industries and placed people in dwelling machines with no prosperity to succeed unless they are very clever at serving the billionaires. The societies of Soros are societies where ordinary people have no say. They may vote, but their votes have no meaning, because the results of those votes are always taken from them by the power and wealth of the billionaires. A society that gives too much to the billionaires, creates a few enormous rich, larger portions of people with no chance and end up as ineffective and unproductive. That is the effect of the thinking and practice of Soros.
Nazis made Soros a king pin in a Jewish plot to control the world. In reality he is part of a Jew hating Leftist plot to destroy Israel and murder Jews. Soros wants to destroy Israel so if there is another Holocaust the Jews worldwide would be easy pickin's and have no place to seek refuge. Open Society activity is a cover so that Soros true motivation remains hidden. This anti-Zionist mindset of a Holocaust survivor confirms that George Soros was complicit, although under extreme duress, in the murder of Jews and in the stealing of their property. If he hadn't engaged in this activity he would probably have been an asset to the Jewish State. But despite all the publications and authors (Michael Kaufman Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire) who dispute his collaboration because they are on his pad or Soros contributes to, or originates, the liberal causes they support, the new evidence that has been presented here along with his subsequent attempts to weaken then destroy Israel and its Jews indicate Soros is a self-hating atheistic Jew who doesn't believe himself to be Jewish. Instead he believes that he played the role of a Nazi so well he actually became one for a short period in his life and must rationalize this evil by demonizing Jews and Israel. Again, you would think George Soros would be happy with Israel after what he witnessed during the Holocaust but he stated "I don’t deny the Jews their right to a national existence — but I don’t want to be part of it.” Who is he to deny any Jew anything? G-D? "National existence" why not say "to the State of Israel" instead? The reason for this is the Holocaust means something different to George Schwartz because not only did he witness it, but participated in it, and he has to rationalize to himself what he did. So he decided that Jews are evil and Israel must be destroyed so another Holocaust could be a reality. And in this one he would be a major player up there with Hitlers Staff. But of course he couldn't fund outright Jew hating Nazis so he did the second best thing and funds Israel-hating, Jew-hating Leftists and Islamist Muslim Brotherhood members like IlHAN OMAR.
I wonder why? ?? https://t.co/fc2wx26oTA ILHAN OMAR media spokesman, and her campaign manager were both Judenrat's, Jews who lead other Jews to slaughter. These self-hating leftists fail to realize that without Israel Jews are sitting ducks. In their world view the Nazis, in the person of Donald Trump, have come to power in America yet they want to destroy the State of Israel. That means they want to kill Jews.
From 2013 to 2018, between working for Black Muslim Farrakhan supporter Keith Ellison and ILHAN OMAR, Slevin was a journalist at MSNBC before working on poverty issues at the Center for American Progress, the liberal think tank. CAP was criticized by several Jewish organizations after some employees "publicly used language that could be construed as anti-Israel or even anti-Semitic." Bloggers associated with CAP published several posts using phrases such as "apartheid" and "Israel-firsters", causing NGO Monitor, the American Jewish Committee, and the Anti-Defamation League to label them anti-Israel and call on CAP to disassociate themselves from these statements. Notable financial supporters of CAP include the the Open Society Foundations and Foundation to Promote Open Society associated with George Soros.
"In 2016, the RePower Fund also known as the Wellstone Foundation reported $2.3 million in total earnings, with $1.8 million in coming from donors. Approximately 85 percent of the money donated to the group, came from three far-left groups: the Proteus Fund, Foundation to Promote Open Society, and the Ford Foundation. Broken down by group, the Proteus Fund gave $300,000; Foundation to Promote Open Society, which is run by billionaire liberal donor George Soros, gave $537,000; and the Ford Foundation contributed $700,000."
Another connection to Soros comes via the email address bjordan@feminist.org the address of Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett Chief Medical Officer of the Washington, D. C. jail and a feminist board member at the Feminist Majority Foundation, sponsored by George Soros's Open Society Foundation. Beth is the wife of Omar's former paramour, Timothy Mynett.
The son of Democratic mega-donor George Soros is gearing up to play a more active role in the 2016 election with the launch of new political action committee focused on representing the views of Jewish Americans — beyond foreign policy. Alex Soros, 29, who has steadily increased his political and philanthropic giving in recent years, has helped establish, the first ever national Jewish political action committee in America focused entirely on domestic issues. Bend the Arc, a non-profit, has an advocacy arm chaired by the younger Soros but has not previously had a political action committee.
The son of Democratic mega-donor George Soros is gearing up to play a more active role in the 2016 election with the launch of new political action committee focused on representing the views of Jewish Americans — beyond foreign policy. Alex Soros, 29, who has steadily increased his political and philanthropic giving in recent years, has helped establish Bend the Arc PAC" , the first ever national Jewish political action committee in America focused entirely on domestic issues. Bend the Arc, a non-profit, has an advocacy arm chaired by the younger Soros but has not previously had a political action committee. Bend the Arc PAC will back progressive candidates by making direct contributions to their campaign committees. It will focus on issues such as income inequality, marriage equality, social justice and immigration reform. The Bend the Arc group do not live in Israel and take the same risks as Israelis do so they really have no right to tell them what to do. They use their money to declare war on Israel because they are conflicted. They are a Middle Eastern people mixed with European and the Jew hating European genetics and epi-genetics gets the best of them.
The Soros-funded MoveOn.Org, which attempted to kill the pro-Israel anti-BDS bill and essentially blackmailed congresspersons to support the disastrous Iran deal, gave Rep. Omar $5,000 and was one of hers top 20 contributors. MoveOn.org also co-founded Avaaz, which initiates extremely offensive, falsehood-filled anti-Israel campaigns, including campaigns to release Palestinian Arab terrorist Ahed Tamimi, and for Ireland’s dangerous BDS Bill.
ILHAN OMAR'S latest violation of Mohammedanism involves adultery. The Qur’an also firmly forbids adultery in this verse: "Those who commit adultery, men or women, give each of them a hundred lashes" Qur'an 24:2. It is noteworthy that the Qur’an does not stipulate stoning as punishment. But hold your camels, the Haidith, the recollections of those who had the misfortune to come into contact with Mohammad, does. Although her divorce had not yet been initiated she had sexual relations with a Kaffir Christian disbeliever married man named Timothy Mynett. When news of her affair surfaced in the press she went back to her schlumpy first husband Ahmed Hirsi. Then the New York Post reported:
"Omar and her husband allegedly separated in March 2019, and Omar asked Hirsi to divorce her around that time because she didn’t want to file the papers — but Hirsi refused, telling her if she wanted a divorce she should do it herself, said the source, who has known both parties for 20 years. The husband allegedly changed his mind after Tim Mynett’s wife filed bombshell divorce papers claiming her spouse was having an affair with the Somali-born US representative — with Hirsi said to be angry he had been made to look the fool by the allegations of an extramarital affair." Since OMAR never filed for divorce and that weasel Tim Mynett was still married to Doctor Beth Jordan Mynett this is adultery pure and simple! Other shirks, to name a few, include:
She has been photographed eating in non-Halal restaurants where pork is being served and alcohol flows freely.
She hires Jews to run her campaign when the Qur’an explicitly warns against having them as your counsel "Bitnah."
She introduced legislation that would bar any Brunei government official enforcing the nation’s Sharia Law penal code from doing business with the U.S.
Her views on homosexuality are in total violation of the Qur’anic law which mandates that both gay men be stoned to death.
LGBTQ rights are human rights and we should condemn any effort to infringe upon them. When asked about the Palestinian Authority banning a gay pride march "Pretending that this act somehow balances or mitigates Israel violating the dignity & rights of Palestinians or undermines case for defending Palestinian rights is deplorable!"
Being any form of fan of movie, music, performance persons is a shirk. This is considered a form of idolatry in Islam and that is certain death under the Shariah law against shirks. OMAR claims to be big fan of Prince, who died of a drug overdose.
Happy 35th anniversary to the best album of all time—Purple Rain! pic.twitter.com/2gJM9hTQ6t Why do Muslims still love and respect her? Because the smart ones know when the USA becomes an Islamic State she can abrogate all these positions because they were merely a means to an end, the end being the Umma, the world Islamic State. (Once America submits to Islam the world will follow). “This is not going to be the country of white people,” she vowed. “This is not going to be the country of the few [Christians and Jews].” Over our dead bodies.
When ILHAN OMAR'S CLAN was living in Somalia they were high officials in the government of the brutal insane Dictator Mohammed Siad Barre. This was why a rival milita attacked their home and forced them to flee. Others family members were civil servants and one of the clan was head of the National Marine Transport Company. ILHAN OMAR'S father, Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed), was a "teacher's teacher" a party propagandist and brainwasher for Barre who at the time aligned himself with the Sov Bloc. In 1969 Siad Barre had come to power with a coup by deposing the interim president, Mukhtar Mohamed Hussein at a time when the territory to the north of the country: Somaliland, which since 1962 had been clamoring for its independence from Mogadishu, had become a danger to the territorial intergrity of the country due to, what else, tribalism. Siad Barre instituted a secret police, relied on imprisonment, torture and physical elimination to forcibly suppress any attempt at rebellion against his leadership.
2019 is the 30th anniversary of one of the most brutal massacres carried out by the regime of Siad Barre against the secessionists of the Isaak ethnic group, of Somaliland. The massacre is remembered as the Holocaust of Hargeisa, which is the current capital of Somaliland, an independent state in fact but whose independence is not recognized by the international community. Somali repression forces massacred tens of thousands of people and the city of Hargeisa was almost completely destroyed. It is presumed that in just two years – between 1987 and 1989 – Siad Barre’s henchmen killed more than two hundred thousand people, while continuing to receive support and funding from various Western countries and, above all, from the United States of America ruled by Ronald Reagan and then by George H. W. Bush senior.
In January 1991 a revolt forced Mohammed Siad Barre to flee. The dictator took refuge in Nigeria where, four years later, he died in Lagos at the age of seventy-five. A few days after leaving Mogadishu forever, the deposed despot uttered a truly prophetic phrase: “After me, Somalia will never be governable again.” In fact, that January 1991, marked the beginning of the civil war and since the unfortunate former Italian colony, has known only destructions, massacres and extreme poverty, encouraging the emergence of Al Shebab terrorists and establishing in the country a system of absolute and bloody anarchy. Empower Somalis and this kind of bloodshed will engulf America. In 1990 before Barre's government forces were defeated by rival militias the OMAR clan, like rats abandoning a sinking ship, left for the United States, asking for political asylum. Because they supported a brutal dictatorship they should not have been granted political asylum however Barre was a US puppet and the scum washed up on our shore.
February 1977 Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Somalia G.V. Samsonov and Somali President Siad Barre: "The main threat to Ethiopia was arising from Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kenya, not from the SDR, emphasized the President. According to a reliable source, Siad said, the internal reaction, represented by the Ethiopian Democratic Union headquartered in London and supported by the CIA, was carefully preparing a broad terrorist campaign against the leadership of the PMAC and against other progressive Ethiopian leaders." Reference Barre decided to switch sides rather than fight the CIA:
November 1977: Somalia ordered all Soviet advisers to leave the country within seven days, ended Soviet use of strategic naval facilities on the Indian Ocean and broke diplomatic relations with Cuba. In addition to expelling “all Soviet experts,” who numbered in the thousands, and withdrawing the use of “all facilities enjoyed by the Soviet Union on land and sea,” the Mogadishu Government formally renounced a treaty of friendship and cooperation that was signed by Somalia and the Soviet Union in 1974. Also, a reduction was ordered in the size of the staff of the Soviet Embassy, which has a diplomatic corps of 26, and in the Somali Mission in Moscow. By his last days in power, Siad Barre had leased nearly two-thirds of Somalia to four huge American oil companies: Conoco, Chevron, Phillips, and Amoco. The land was believed by geologists to contain substantial quantities of oil and natural gas. In 1991, unfortunately for the oil giants, Siad Barre was overthrown, and he fled the country. Somalia – as a functioning nation state with which they could do business – fell apart. The oil giants' exclusive concessions to explore and drill were worthless in the absence of a viable government to enforce their claims.
1991 The dictator Mohammed Siad Barre, who ruled the Somali Democratic Republic since 1969, a former Soviet puppet who became a United States puppet beginning in 1977, is forced to flee when the capital of Mogadishu is captured by rival clan militias. Thousands of Somali civilians are killed or wounded.
1992 An estimated 350,000 Somalis die of disease, starvation, or civil war. Images of famine and war are shown on American news networks. George H. W. Bush orders emergency airlifts of food and supplies to Somalia. UN Security Council approves a military mission, “Operation Restore Hope,” led by USA to protect food shipments from the warlords.
1993 Somali rebels shoot down two Blackhawk U.S. helicopters. A battle ensues and hundreds of Somali civilians are killed. On October 3, 1993, a team of Delta Force Rangers tried to capture the warlord Mohammad Aideed in central Mogadishu. Aideed wasn't there, but the American troops became confused. Shortly after, they were surrounded by angry crowds. Eighteen Americans died.
1994 The U.S. formally ends mission to Somalia, Cost $1.7 billion dollars and left 43 U.S. soldiers dead and another 153 wounded.
The OMAR clan didn't covertly support Al-Shabaab when they still lived in Somalia simply because it didn't exist, but when Al-Shabaab originated as a militia affiliated with the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), a federation of local and clan-based Islamic Sharia Law courts that had been founded in southern Somalia in 2004 to combat the lawlessness and banditry afflicting the area since the collapse of the government of Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, the OMAR clan, like so many others, supported Al-Shaabab as the only way to end the chaos. More on ICU
From about 2004 this militia acted as an armed wing of the ICU, incorporating fighters who had fought for the al-Qaeda network or received training from it. The group came to be known as al-Shabaab, meaning “the Youth,” (Taliban also means "The Youth" or "Students) and it was led by Aden Hashi Farah Ayro, a Somali operative reportedly trained by al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
ILHAN OMAR cannot be open about her support of al-Shabaab and has tweeted only several times about Somalia since taking her seat. One was in the context of the firestorm over her attacks on Israel, claiming she would not hesitate to criticize any government, including Somalia’s or our own.
OMAR wrote a letter on behalf of six Somalis who were going to join ISIS and kill Americans and others on the day she was elected in 2016 to local office, urging rehabilitation instead of prison time. Ilhan Omar’s letter to Judge Davis, dated Nov. 8, 2009.
"Honorable Judge Davis, As you undoubtedly deliberate with great caution the sentencing of nine recently convicted Somali-American men, I bring to your attention the ramifications of sentencing young men who made a consequential mistake to decades in federal prison. Incarcerating 20-year-old men for 30 or 40 years is essentially a life sentence. Society will have no expectations of the 50 or 60-year-old released prisoners; it will view them with distrust and revulsion. Such punitive measures not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment: “Americans do not accept you and continue to trivialize your value. Instead of being a nobody, be a martyr.” The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion. We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to affect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation. A long-term prison sentence for one who chose violence to combat direct marginalization is a statement that our justice system misunderstands the guilty. A restorative approach to justice assesses the lure of criminality and addresses it." These cockroaches were going to kill American servicemen, among others, and didn't deserve inclusion, rehabilitation. She says they were marginalized at that was why they became potential killers. WAPO reported "She had known other young men from school who died fighting for al-Shabab, the al-Qaeda affiliate in Somalia." During her tenure with the Minneapolis City Council from 2013-15, Omar acknowledged that she was a friend of several young men who had joined al-Shabab, a Somali jihadist terror group allied with al-Qaeda, several years earlier. “They were happy young men,” said Omar. “And then at some point, something happened. And that is what needs to be researched and studied. What is happening to make them feel disconnected from a community that has birthed them, that has nurtured them?”
"Since her letter she has kept her distance from the case, which she knew was politically toxic, an easy opportunity for her enemies to paint her as un-American. About 400 people, most of them young Somalis, filled a gym in Minneapolis to raise money to help Guled Ali Omar appeal his 35-year sentence. At the sentencing, Judge Davis compared the nine Somalis to the Islamic State operatives who had trained in Syria and then killed hundreds of innocents in Paris and Brussels. “Everyone talks about Brussels and Paris having cells,” the judge said. “We have a cell here in Minneapolis.” About a dozen of Guled’s friends lingered in the parking lot, posing for pictures they planned to post on Instagram. “Fingers up,” someone called out. Most of the men raised their index fingers, a gesture that symbolizes the oneness of God and has become widely associated with the Islamic State. They flashed the same sign during the trial in 2016, drawing the ire of the prosecutor."
REFERENCE These Somali Scum are traitors and want to see Americans killed. They don't belong here. They have a long history of fighting against the US and against each other. Bring enough of them here and USA will become Somalia, a failed state. Wake up America! The immigration problem is bringing back the Nazis and the Fascists.
"Somali government and peacekeeping forces, need to protect @Hormuud and the Somali telecom industry as they make enormous contribution to the economy and provide vital services. During my visit to Somalia in 2011, I was surprised by the quick evolution of technology in Somalia. The level of reliable access people had to it, regardless of which community they lived in rural or urban was remarkable. And in a country without traditional banks, it was brilliant to see people bank over their mobile phones so effortlessly. Many remote areas in Somalia are sustained in part because of what this access enables them to have. There was real financial liberation for many of the remote communities I visited because of their ability to access financial services and receive proceeds of their sales. I believe, pathways to progress must be harnessed and protected, especially in the face of continued terror attacks and instability. Companies creating jobs and access to financial markets are a partner in obtaining and retaining lasting peace. Finally, the destruction of vital infrastructure is harmful not only to the Somali/Kenya relationship, but to future investment in Somalia’s economy. I urge the Somali government to continue to seek answers AND RETRIBUTION." "The Kenyan Defense Force found that Al Shabaab was relying on this telco to communicate with its various elements throughout Somalia as well as to send or receive mobile money. Safaricom is used by terrorists, poachers, narcotics traffickers. Hormud is Islamist organization that is in partnership with Al-Shabab & is chaos profiteering entity. It doesn’t cooperate with security agencies even in their own country, they pay Al-Shabab taxes that funds terror. They are becoming monopoly & destroying other businesses."
According to a U.N. report: “Ali Ahmed Nur Jim’ale (Jim’ale), the head of Hormuud has served in leadership roles with the former Somali Council of Islamic Courts, also known as the Somali Islamic Courts Union, which was a radical-Islamist element. The most radical elements of the Somali Islamic Courts Union eventually formed the group known as al–Shabaab.” The document also identifies Jim’ale, a prominent businessman who controls Hormuud, as one of al-Shabab’s chief financiers. “Hormuud Telecommunications is a company identified as being one of the single largest financiers of al-Shabaab, which includes large lump sum payments to al-Shabaab in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and these payments toal-Shabaab were facilitated by Jim’ale,” the U.N. report says, adding that “Hormuud Telecommunications has provided key material and logistical support to al-Shabaab to include weapons, private fighters, and ammunition.” The second U.N. Security Council report, published last year, links a terror attack that killed hundreds in 2017 to Hormuud. The event is described as the deadliest terror attack in Somalia’s history, carried out with a large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. “Two employees of the principal Somali telecommunications provider, Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc., were also prosecuted in connection with the attack, for facilitating the entry of the large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device through the Sinka Dheere checkpoint on the outskirts of Mogadishu,” according to the U.N. report.
In 2001, Ahmed Nur was the majority owner of Al-Barakat Money transfer. After the 9/11 attacks the US government listed Al-Barakat as a terrorist entity because of its links to Al-Qaeda. They seized its assets and placed sanctions on senior management, including Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale.
Kenyan officials said two or three of the attackers at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nirobi were Somali Americans ages 18 and 19, and another is possibly a British widow of a 2005 London suicide bomber. These 2 are the children of Omar's constituents.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Members of the Minnesota House voted to pass H.F. 1397, a bill which would give life insurance companies the right to deny payouts to beneficiaries whose loved one died while committing an act of terrorism. In a bipartisan effort, Republicans and Democrats joined together to pass the bill 127-2. Rep. ILHAN OMAR (D-Minneapolis) voted against the measure.
Her support of al-Shabaab is not unique: Most of the Somali refugees support Al-Shabaab as a way to restore order in the war torn "third world shithole" as Trump would say. REFERENCE
“I look at Omar. I don’t know. I never met her. I hear the way she talks about al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda has killed many Americans. She said, ‘You can hold your chest out, you can — when I think of America, huh, when I think of al-Qaeda, I can hold my chest out.’ When she talked about the World Trade Center being knocked down, ‘Some people.’ You remember the famous ‘some people’?”— President Trump, in remarks at the White House, July 15, 2019
“When I hear people speaking about how wonderful al-Qaeda is, when I hear people talking about ‘some people,’ ‘some people’ with the World Trade Center. Some people? No, not ‘some people.’ Much more than ‘some people'.” — Trump
“A politician that hears somebody, where we’re at war with al-Qaeda, and sees somebody talking about how great al-Qaeda is. Pick out her statement. That was Omar. ‘How great al-Qaeda is.’ And we’re losing great soldiers to al-Qaeda.” — Trump
I've given control of the Democrat Party entirely over to the radical left including Minnesota's own representative idiot Omar you know I know you people I know you people I know the people of Minnesota and I want to tell you and I also at the same time it's both the question in his statement how the hell did that ever happen how did it happen how did it happen congresswoman Omar is an America hating socialists she minimized the September th attack on our homeland we're far more than 5,000 people died saying some people did something big deal some people she pleaded for compassion for Isis recruits right here in Minnesota Omar left that Americans speak of al Qaeda remember that tape speak of al Qaeda but when we say but when we say something about the United States you just don't say America with any intensity remember that representative Omar has a history of launching varial ins anti-semitic screeds whether you like it or not she said the US support for Israel is all about the Benjamins she said that pro-israel lawmakers have an allegiance to a foreign country omar wrote that israel has hypnotized the world may Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil doings of Israel and the United States how do you have such a person. — Trump
Thank you very much so we're honored to have with us today a special guest a man that really is a terrific talented writer he knows a great deal about all those tangled lies of Omar mister Scott Johnson of powerline he wrote some stuff I can't believe it where's Scott where's Scott thank you Scott thank you Scott what a job man do you have her figured out the only problem is Scott it's incredible talent much more talented than most of these people that you heard about the problem is they never pick it up they don't want to pick it up but we pick it up Scott and the people get it and we thank you for your great reporting thank you thank you very much and Scott reported everything about Omar is a fraud including her name Scott reports his sources told him that quote Omar's legal husband was Omar's brother and that she had married him for fraudulent purposes you mean like coming into the United States maybe and as Scott says we have seen a plethora of congressional scandals in our history yet we have never seen scandals like omar's in Congress and nothing gets done about it I hope I hope that some of you people are looking because what a OC has gotten away with campaign financing and what I call it a OC plus 3 that's what it is and Omar is one of the three what a OC has gotten away with all of that money that she used for her personal self with campaign finance is worse and nothing happens to them but it happens to you and it's not fair the fact is we're in a struggle for the survival of democracy in America the only message these radical socialists and extremists will understand is a crushing defeat on November 3rd 2020. Why is she representing you in Minnesota I'm very angry at you people right now she is a disgrace to our country and she is one of the big reasons that I'm going to win and the Republican Party is going to win Minnesota in months. — Trump
This is a horror! My heart aches for those who lost their lives, their families and the entire Somali community. ILHAN OMAR wants America to let down its guard against terrorism: “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country. And so if fear was the, the driving force of policies to keep America safe — Americans safe inside of this country — we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”
This is tremendous ???? "The Terrorism Screening Center is an interagency operation within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that also involves the Department of Homeland Security the National Counterterrorism Center the Transportation Security Administration and United States Customs and Border Protection. The TSDB is a centralized collection of information about listed individuals, including biographic and biometric data, that is compiled and maintained by the TSC. The information contained in the TSDB, which is unclassified, is updated continuously and disseminated around the country and world in real-time. As of June 2017, approximately 1.2 million individuals, including approximately 4,600 United States citizens or lawful permanent residents, were included in the TSDB. individual may be nominated to the TSDB by a federal government agency or foreign government. Nominated individuals are added to the TSDB if their nomination is based upon articulable intelligence or information which, based on the totality of the circumstances and, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, creates a reasonable suspicion that the individual is engaged, has been engaged, or intends to engage, in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid or in furtherance of, or related to, terrorism and/or terrorist activities." One can see how important the Terrorism Screening center is to preventing terrorism but this doesn't mean a thing to those who filed this suit as their motivation in to enable terrorists. One would think that if a few people were inconvenienced by being placed on this Watch List, they would grin and bear it for the sake of America.
"All nominations to the TSDB are reviewed by the TSC, which, in assessing whether an individual should be placed on the TSDB, must determine whether the United States Government has a reasonable suspicion that the individual is a known or suspected terrorist charged by information, or indicted for, or convicted of, a crime related to terrorism and/or terrorist activities by the United States Government or foreign government authorities; or (2) identifed as a terrorist or member of a terrorist organization pursuant to statute, Executive Order or international legal obligations pursuant to a United Nations Security Council Resolution. A suspected terrorist is an individual who is reasonably suspected to be engaging in, has engaged in, or intends to engage in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism and/or terrorist activities. In determining whether to accept, reject, or modify a nomination, the TSC may consider, but may not solely base its decision on, an individuals race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or beliefs and activities protected by the First Amendment, such as freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly, and the freedom to petition the government for redress of stress of grievances. The TSC may also consider an individuals travel history, associates, business associations, international associations, financial transactions, and study of Arabic as information supporting a nomination to the TSDB. An individuals placement into the TSDB does not require any evidence that the person engaged in criminal activity, committed a crime, or will commit a crime in the future; and individuals who have been acquitted of a terrorism-related crime may still be listed in the TSDB." Every factor must be considered in making this determination since it could be a matter of life or death for countless people.
"(1) When attempting to return to the United States by car after a brief trip to Canada in April 2015, Plaintiff Anas Elhady (Elhady) was surrounded by CBP ofcers, handcuffed, and then escorted to a room where he was held for more than ten hours and repeatedly interrogated about his family members and other associates. During this time, Elhady required emergency medical attention and was transported to a hospital, where he was administered Basic Life Support. Elhady was transported to and from the hospital in handcuffs. On at least two prior occasions, Elhady was
detained for approximately seven to eight hours when attempting to cross the border into the United States, and was handcuffed, stripped him of his belongings, kept in a cell, and prohibited from contacting his attorney. Id. 1] 37. Elhady has also had his phone conscated multiple times at the US. border, been pressured to reveal its password to border agents, been questioned about
its contents, and been told by an FBI agent that his cell phone conversations were being monitored. When Elhady attempted border-crossings, CBP ofcers told him, Are you serious Someone like you should have stopped crossing the border by now. As a result of these experiences, Elhady stopped crossing the border altogether and stopped ying for more than a year." There was good reason to put him on the Watch List: Special Investigations Division reports Anas Elhady lived Toledo Ohio where he was associated with a terrorist funding entity run by one of his relatives, Dr. Mohammad Elhady:
"Plaintiff KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development ("KindHearts") is an Ohio non-profit corporation, incorporated on January 22, 2002. Its headquarters are in Toledo, Ohio, where it conducted its business. It also had offices in Gaza and Lebanon. Opened after several other Muslim charities were shut down in 2001, KindHearts' officers and board took careful measures to ensure that it abided by Treasury Department guidelines and all federal and state laws. From its incorporation through early 2006, KindHearts provided millions of dollars of humanitarian aid, principally directed towards assisting needy Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and refugee camps in Lebanon. In January 2004, when the KindHearts Board received unconfirmed reports that Mahir Sabra, an employee, was allegedly associated with Hamas, the Board conducted an investigation and interviewed Mr. Sabra. Although Mr. Sabra denied the allegations, and the Board was unable to obtain further corroboration, the Board decided on January 18, 2004, that Mr. Sabra should resign his employment with KindHearts. On Sunday, February 19, 2006, OFAC announced that "all property and interests in property" of KindHearts "are blocked pending investigation into whether Kindhearts is subject to designation pursuant to Executive Order 13224 for being controlled by, acting for or on behalf of, assisting in or providing financial or material support to, and/or otherwise being associated with Hamas." On August 14, 2006, the U.S. Attorney's Office, Department of Justice, obtained two grand jury subpoenas, issued to Dr. Elhady and to KindHearts, requesting "all documents, records or information, in any form ... located within the United States or its territories and in the
care[,] custody or control of KindHearts (an OFAC blocked entity)." Democratic contributor U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga who in his 32-page opinion said that President Trump was exercising his constitutional authority when he implemented his temporary suspension of immigration from six Muslim-majority countries, continues:
"For the purposes of the Mathews constitutional analysis, the Court concludes based on undisputed facts that Plaintiffs liberty interests implicated by their inclusion in the TSDB, though weaker than those implicated by placement on the No Fly List, are nevertheless strong; and the Governments interest in securing the United States borders and aviation system from terrorist threats is compelling. The Court also concludes that the administrative process used to place a person on the TSDB has an inherent, substantial risk of erroneous deprivation; and that additional procedures, similar to those made available to individuals on the No Fly List would reduce the risk of erroneous inclusion in the TSDB and all the resulting consequences....Here, Plaintiffs seek additional procedural requirements in the form of notice of their placement on the TSDB and the reasons for it, and a meaningful opportunity to challenge their inclusion. In the context of a due process claim, so long as the deprivation of a right at issue is greater than a de minimis deprivation, some form of notice and hearing is required. The basic requirements of procedural due process are (1) notice of the reasons for the deprivation, (2) some information regarding the evidence against the person injured, and (3) an opportunity to present [the deprived persons] side of the [A]ssessing the adequacy of a particular form of notice requires balancing the interest of the State against the individual interest sought to be protected." In other words there should be some mechanism wherein the potential terrorist is told why he is suspected of being a terrorist so he can refute the allegation. This would provide invaluable information such as the identity of informants and bugs. So what if a few people are inconvenienced. It's better than a plane blowing up.
"Central to the Mathews analysis is the parties characterization of the nature of the movement-related liberty interests at stake. Plaintiffs characterize their movement-related liberty interest as the right to international travel, which this Court recognized as a protected liberty interest. Plaintiffs assert that their inclusion in the TSDB has had the practical effect of preventing them from exercising their right to travel internationally, in some instances by denying them boarding on international flights, and in others by imposing consequences so severe that Plaintiffs have stopped exercising the right. The general right of free movement is a long recognized, fundamental liberty." This is not the No-Fly list. This is secondary inspection and interogation before boarding a flight. The right to travel remains intact. What about the right to travel and reach your destination without being blown to bits?
"The nature of Defendants inquiry, as in the TSDB inclusion standard they adopted, presents such a grave risk of erroneous deprivation. There is no evidence, or contention, that any of these plaintiffs satisfy the definition of a known terrorist. None have been convicted, charged or indicted for any criminal offense related to terrorism, or otherwise. Rather, Plaintiffs are included in the TSDB because they have been labeled as suspected terrorists, a determination that this Court has found to be based to a large extent on subjective judgments. This inclusion standard is satisfied by demonstrating a reasonable suspicion that an individual is engaging in, has engaged in, or intends to engage in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism and/or terrorist activities." "None have been convicted, charged or indicted for any criminal offense related to terrorism, or otherwise." Of course not. The Watch List is a pro-active tool.
"Moreover, under the inclusion standard, the TSC may consider a wide range of factors in determining whether an individual belongs on the Watchlist, including an individuals race, ethnicity, or religious affiliation beliefs and activities protected by the First Amendment, travel history, personal and professional associations, and financial transactions. The vagueness of the standard for inclusion in the TSDB, coupled with the lack of any meaningful restraint on what constitutes grounds for placement on the Watchlist, constitutes, in essence, the absence of any ascertainable standard for inclusion and exclusion, which is precisely what offends the Due Process Clause." "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The only liberty the people on the Watch List are being deprived of is the liberty to commit terrorist acts of mass murder.
"Given the effects that pre-deprivation notice of an individuals inclusion in the TSDB would have on the Governments compelling interest in combating terrorism, a balancing of the respective interests does not weigh in favor of pre-deprivation notice. (Risks of error rise when hearings are deferred, but these risks must be balanced against the potential for loss of life if assets should be put to violent use). Pre-deprivation notice and hearing could alert an individual, and through him or her, others, whom the Government suspects of terrorist activity, and thereby compromise ongoing investigations and endanger those persons involved in those investigations. Executive Branch must be free to maintain its watchlists in secret, just as federal agents must be able to maintain in secret its investigations into organized crime, drug trafficking organizations, prostitution, child pornography rings, and so forth. To publicize such investigative details would ruin them). For these reasons, the Court concludes that so long as post-deprivation notice and hearing are sufciently robust, pre-deprivation notice and hearing are not constitutionally required." Once it is shown that government threatens to deprive a person of a life, liberty or property interest, then certain procedural protections may kick in. Ordinarily (except when there is a true emergency), a pre-deprivation hearing of some kind is required. If someone was planning a terrorist attack they would be alerted that the Feds were on to them and call it off. They would have someone else do it who was not notified that a pre-deprivation hearing has been put on the court calendar. This is too much even for this liberal judge Trenga but in his ruling he called for something similar: The Judge's determination "requires Defendants to provide individuals designated on the federal terror watch list with a legal mechanism that affords them notice of the reasons and bases for their placement on the federal terror watch list and a meaningful opportunity to contest their continued inclusion on the federal terror watch list" making the Watch List not only worthless to law enforcement, but a valuable instrument in the hands of terrorists.
OMAR wants to allow terrorist to regroup in Afghanistan: "The U.S. has spent at least $760 billion in Afghanistan. We must end this expensive conflict and its casualties. It’s time to reinvest this military spending in healthcare, education, and clean energy."
OMAR wants a new Muslim State: "We should be calling for an immediate restoration of communication; respect for human rights, democratic norms, and religious freedom; and de-escalation in Kashmir. International organizations should be allowed to fully document what is happening on the ground."
Soros wants to allow as many immigrants to enter a nation as possible even if it adversely affects that country while he lives in luxury and is not inconvenienced by this invasion. He has billions and will probably never be touched by massive immigration. The acceptance of indiscriminate and unlimited immigration toward Europe has caused another resounding failure for the liberal left. First it did not influence the totalitarian societies to change course by accepting western liberal leftist immigration to places ( Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt. Russia, you name it) where openness is non existent. Actually the very opposite is unfolding and in the wrong places: millions of unchecked immigrants not only openly attack the established order in Europe but also have caused nationalist reaction to increasingly limit the self destructive openness by sacrificing liberal democratic values. Probably democratic liberal freedom has to be offered only to those who respect it.
OMAR wants more Muslims to come to America some of whom might be terrorists "I will always be an advocate for a just immigration system because we don’t need a militarized agency to target innocent people and separate families. This week I will be hosting an immigration symposium on reforming the system." Here is what she said at that symposium “So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) – an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely. We are treating people like criminals when they have not committed a crime. It doesn’t make any sense for us to be committing these kinds of human rights violations, to have these policies in the way we interact with migrants and asylum seekers if we want to continue to be the kind of country that condemns countries in Africa, in Asia or Latin American countries for its treatment of refugees and asylum seekers.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) says the *United Nations* must be brought in to handle the immigration crisis on America's southern border Trump might have ended #DACA but two court injunctions ensures 800k DREAMERs maintain their status here in the US. Keep in mind – Muslims more so than most people have great animosity towards Israel and the Jewish faith. And as you have more and more Muslims in the United States, as they gain greater and greater influence in elections, particularly in Democratic Party primaries – then you’re going to see more and more people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and company that are Jew haters, Nazis of Color and anti-Israel, and that brings an entirely different viewpoint into the United States Congress. I think you’re going to see this influence in the Democratic Party grow and grow and grow over time but ultimately become the dominant influence within the Democratic Party, where the Democratic Party will become very strongly anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.
MUSLIMS: We've raised $50K in 3 days! Yesterday, we secured the released of the 1st parent: a father of 2 who was detained for 4 months, unable to afford bail. Wants to flood America with Moslem immigrants so they can immigrate, propagate and infliltrate then decimate.
Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., told Fox News it was “silly” to compare Trump with Obama, adding: “One is human. The other is really not. The Obama administration was responsible for the caging of kids at the U.S.-Mexico border and the droning of countries around the world. We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was. And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” Omar is a terrorist sympathizer and wants to protect her fellow jihadists.
Do the math. OMAR was born 1982 and left Somalia when she was 8 which means she left in 1990 or 1991 then she arrives in New York City in 1992. Where were the 4 years she spent in the Refugee Camp? She could not have been in that refugee camp more than a year if at all. Jason Burke, Africa correspondent for The Guardian after interviewing OMAR , wrote the following "Omar spoke of her flight from Somalia, describing how militiamen prepared to attack their home in Mogadishu at midnight and had to be convinced by older female relatives to leave the family in peace. Omar left with her family shortly after, and remembered walking through streets strewn with debris and corpses. The Utango camp was isolated and rudimentary with limited sanitation. Omar collected firewood and water for the family and has described how she enviously watched similar-aged children going to school in uniforms, and asking her father if she could resume her education."
The Guardian retracted this story: "Multiple media outlets, including the Guardian, have reported that Omar lived in the vast Dadaab camp, which opened to receive civil war refugees around the same time as the Utango facility. The report in the Guardian, describing the celebrations and prayers for Omar in Dadaab after her victory, also included interviews with residents of the camp, who said they remembered her living there almost 30 years ago. The interviews were conducted by telephone by an experienced local journalist who is a native Somali speaker, and, while the Guardian is confident the interviewees were speaking in good faith, it is now clear these memories were erroneous."
Wikipedia: "ILHAN OMAR was born in Mogadishu on October 4, 1982 and spent her early years in Baidoa, Somalia. She was the youngest of seven siblings, including Sahra Noor. Her father Nur Omar Mohamed, an ethnic Somali, worked as a teacher trainer. Her mother, Fadhuma Abukar Haji Hussein, a Benadiri, died when Ilhan was two. She was raised by her father and grandfather thereafter. Her grandfather Abukar was the director of Somalia's National Marine Transport and some of Omar's uncles and aunts also worked as civil servants and educators. She and her family fled Somalia to escape the war and they spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya, near the Somali border....." Wiki continues: After first arriving in New York in 1992, [Reference: Wallace-Wells, Benjamin (March 27, 2019). "Ilhan Omar's Embattled First Months in Office" The New Yorker ISSN 0028-792X. Retrieved April 1, 2019]
Omar's family finally secured asylum in the U.S. in 1995 [Reference: Stolberg, Sheryl Gay (December 30, 2018). "Glorified and Vilified, Representative-Elect Ilhan Omar Tells Critics: 'Just Deal'" The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on February 2, 2019. Retrieved December 30, 2018] and lived for a time in Arlington, Virginia, before moving to and settling in Minneapolis, where her father worked first as a taxi driver and later for the post office." According to the Guardian the family was the Utango camp. ILHAN OMAR: “For someone like me, who left a war-torn country at the age of 8, who got refugee status to come to America, where in the world am I finding a sibling 15 years, 20 years later to seek to do what people accuse me of?” Snopes "According to Omar’s proffered version of events, she fled the Somalian civil war with her family in 1991 and lived for four years in a refugee camp in Kenya before immigrating to the U.S. in 1995." She was granted refugee status in 1995 after arriving in NYC in 1992.
ILHAN OMAR visited Dadaab Refugee camp, (she claimed she had lived there in squalid conditions) in 2011 to help with humanitarian assistance for victims of famine in her homeland. ILHAN OMAR visited Nairobi in December 2016, days after winning election to the Minnesota state legislature. From Nairobi, she flew to Somalia. ILHAN OMAR praised the newly formed Somalian government in a speech in March 2017. Two days later, Syra Noor’s (OMAR's sister) husband, Mohamed Keynan, got a top political job working for Somalia’s prime minister, PJ Media reported.
Because of Black racism the Black Feminists invented the term "white feminism," that come to describe a mindset that doesn't take into account the ways the women of color experience sexism, and how it differs from the way white women experience it. Simply put, white feminism is for white women who aren’t ashamed of being White. The term "intersectional feminism," which stands in opposition to white feminism, was coined by civil rights advocate and law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 to help describe the experiences of Black women who not only face sexism, but systemic racism. Now the Black racist females have taken intersectionality one step further – everything is linked. The Gaza unrest is linked to the Black Lives Matter Movement which is linked to the Environmental Movement and so on and so on. With the advent of “intersectionality,” Jewish students must pass an Israel litmus test to prove their commitment to social justice. Jewish students are being marginalized on campuses, many feeling the need to hide their pro-Israel and Jewish identities to “get along” in this hostile environment.
Trump: "Well there's a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother, I know nothing about it, I hear that she was married to her brother ... I don't know but I'm sure that somebody would be looking at that." Trump failed to realize it was a sham marriage not a real one.
Congressman Steve Smith: "What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out that were products of rape and incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" he said at the event in Urbandale, Iowa. Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages taken place and whatever happened to culture after society? I know I can't certify that I'm not a part of a product of that." ILHAN OMAR jumped on this statement to deny charges of incest "Gross! This would explain why these weirdos are fixed on smearing me with claims of incest. Projecting their filth, unreal." She is not being accused of having sex with her gay brother, she is accused to immigration sham marriage fraud.
AHMED HIRSI and ILHAN OMAR applied for a marriage license in 2002 but they never finalized the application thus they were never legally married but they were together as per Quranic tradition. AHMED HIRSI and ILHAN OMAR separated in 2008 and ILHAN OMAR officially married a British citizen, AHMED NUR SAID ELMI in 2009. ILHAN OMAR and AHMED NUR SAID ELMI divorced in 2011. When ILHAN OMAR married her second husband, AHMED NUR SAID ELMI, who had just arrived in the U.S., legal documents show ILHAN OMAR was still living with her first husband AHMED HIRSI. And the trio (AHMED NUR SAID ELMI, AHMED HIRSI, ILHAN OMAR) all went off to live together in Fargo while ILHAN OMAR and her second husband AHMED NUR SAID ELMI were studying at the University of North Dakota.
The Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board fined Omar in an investigation that revealed she filed joint tax returns with another man during her marriage to AHMED NUR SAID ELMI. That man also fathered children with Omar both before and after the marriage to AHMED NUR SAID ELMI. That man was AHMED HIRSI. Even if ELMI wasn't her brother it was still a sham marriage to defraud the U.S. Gov. - but he was. ILHAN OMAR’s father Nur Said Elmi Mohamed has the same name as AHMED NUR SAID ELMI’s father. AHMED NUR SAID ELMI attended Arlington Senior High School in Minnesota and multiple former classmates say that is also the name of his father.
ILHAN OMAR graduated from North Dakota State University with a bachelor's degree, majoring in political science and international studies in 2011. She wanted her kid brother, who had gotten refugee status in the UK to graduate from there too. She couldn't have married AHMED NUR SAID ELMI even if he wasn't her brother, because AHMED NUR SAID ELMI is a gay. AHMED NUR SAID ELMI is a freelance copywriter and fashionista who has written adverts for Valentino handbags, Chanel No7 and L'Oreal cosmetics. How much gayer can you get?
As you can see ILHAN OMAR was married by a Protestant Minister a grave sin in Islam. But it really didn't matter because the marriage would never be consummated.
Snopes: "AHMED NUR SAID ELMI’s mother died when she was 2, so she and her siblings were raised by her father and grandfather. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported just before the 2018 midterm elections that: "During an interview, ILHAN OMAR showed a reporter cellphone photos of documents from her family’s U.S. entry in 1995 after fleeing Somalia’s civil war. She declined to provide copies of the papers, which included refugee resettlement approval forms and identification cards, but they appeared to list her father, siblings and ILHAN OMAR by order of birth, with AHMED NUR SAID ELMI as the youngest of seven children. No one named AHMED NUR SAID ELMI, who is three years younger than ILHAN OMAR, could be seen listed in the documents."
Why did they "appear to list" her father rather than they listed her father etc. Why the cell phone photos instead of paper? Because the documents were forged or altered and if the The Minneapolis Star Tribune tried to verify their authenticity AHMED NUR SAID ELMI would be deported to her native Somalia for committing immigration fraud. She would probably be targeted by Islamists there for advocating for homosexuality, abortion while representing US's Muslim minority.
Rep. ILHAN OMAR swore under oath in a 2017 divorce filing that she hadn’t seen her husband AHMED NUR SAID ELMI in six years and didn’t know anyone who might be able to locate him — yet he designed a website for Omar’s sister Sahra Noor. ILHAN OMAR swore that she had not been able to locate the man she married since 2011. She swore she didn’t know the names of anyone in her husband’s family and that the two had no mutual acquaintances who might know how to contact him. According to AHMED NUR SAID ELMI’s Facebook profile, after attending college in North Dakota he moved to England and then to Nairobi, Kenya — the same city where Omar’s sister, Sahra Noor, lives and works as CEO of Grit Partners. Grit Partners’ website code contains data that indicates Elmi was involved in the creation of either the company’s website or its Instagram account. The ties between ILHAN OMAR’s supposedly long-lost ex-husband and ILHAN OMAR’s sister appear to contradict ILHAN OMAR’s sworn testimony and add to the body of evidence that the ex-husband may be her brother, making all three siblings. ILHAN OMAR swears her “most recent contact” with AHMED NUR SAID ELMI was in June 2011 in London and the “last known location of respondent’s employment” was unknown. She swears the “names and locations of respondent’s parents, siblings, children and other close relatives are as follows: Unknown.” She swears the “names and locations of other persons who are likely to know the respondent’s whereabouts are: Unknown to me.” ILHAN OMAR has lived with her sister Sahra Noor and they have been public about their close relationship.) It continues: “I believe that it is not likely that respondent’s location will become known to me, but there is a reasonable possibility that mail will be forwarded or otherwise reach respondent if addressed as follows: No known address.” [Reference]
"A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that ILHAN OMAR married AHMED HIRSI in 2002. AHMED HIRSI is the father of ILHAN OMAR’s three children. ILHAN OMAR is depicted with Hirsi and their children on ILHAN OMAR’s campaign website here. The post further notes that ILHAN OMAR married her brother AHMED NUR SAID ELMI in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as ILHAN OMAR married him,” the post continues, “AHMED NUR SAID ELMI started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.” Inputting the name ILHAN OMAR, I have confirmed both marriages as noted in the Somalispot post via the online Minnesota Official Marriage System. Dear Mr. Johnson:
I have been contacted by the ILHAN OMAR campaign. Their response to your email from this morning is as follows:
“There are people who do not want an East African, Muslim woman elected to office and who will follow Donald Trump’s playbook to prevent it. ILHAN OMAR’s campaign sees your superfluous contentions as one more in a series of attempts to discredit her candidacy. ILHAN OMAR’s campaign will not be distracted by negative forces and will continue to focus its energy on creating positive engagement with community members to make the district and state more prosperous and equitable for everyone.”
If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please direct them to me in writing so we have a record of any further communications.
Sincerely, Jean Brandl Why did ILHAN OMAR’s 2016 campaign literature reference Ahmed Hirsi as her “husband” when she hadn’t yet divorced AHMED NUR SAID ELMI or married Hirsi? Why did ILHAN OMAR say in her 2017 divorce filing that she’d had no contact with AHMED NUR SAID ELMI since June of 2011 when she was seemingly photographed with him in London in 2015? Why AHMED NUR SAID ELMI not put the matter to rest by coming forward and explaining the nature of his relationship with Omar?
ILHAN OMAR‘s campaign spokesman Jeremy Slevin: “Whether by colluding with right-wing outlets to go after Muslim elected officials or hounding family members, legitimate media outlets have a responsibility not to fan the flames of hate.”
AHMED HIRSI is a senior policy aide for Alondra Cano, a Minneapolis City Council member. Ahmed previously worked as a personal banker for Wells Fargo from February 2005 to May 2016. Personal bankers work in retail banking branches and assist customers with various needs, such as opening checking and savings accounts; obtaining mortgage and auto loans; investing in certificates of deposit (CDs), money markets and other commercial banking products; and planning for retirement or college. In 2013, a Los Angeles Times investigation revealed intense pressure on Wells Fargo bank managers and personal bankers to produce sales against extremely aggressive and even mathematically impossible quotas. Employees opened accounts without customer consent. In an article from the American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, Wells Fargo employees reportedly “opened as many as 1.5 million checking and savings accounts, and more than 500,000 credit cards, without customers’ authorization.” The employees received bonuses for opening new credit cards and checking accounts and enrolling customers in products such as online banking. The bank was fined $185 million in early September 2016 due to the creation of some 1,534,280 unauthorized deposit accounts and 565,433 credit-card accounts between 2011 and 2016. Note that HIRSI was fired just before the bank was hit with the fine. That ingrate was stealing from the people who gave him refugee status.
Now AHMED HIRSI is an immigration pimp. In May 2016 he founded ‘New American Financial Literacy’. He is the company’s executive director. The company offers financial advice service for immigrants and immigrant communities. AHMED HIRSI has duo nationality American and Somali. His clan fled Somali when he was 12 years old. He changed his name from AHMED ADEN to AHMED HIRSI after receiving US citizenship. He did this in order not to be linked with the many Shabaab fighters named Ahmed Aden.
Ilhan Omar's District - MSM wants to keep this Racist Hate Crime quiet! "The original trafficking-in-persons indictment alleged that multiple defendants were involved in or were associated with the Somali Outlaws and the Somali Mafia gangs. Members and associates of these gangs allegedly transported Somali-American females from Minneapolis to Columbus, Ohio and Nashville, Tennessee, for the purpose of having them engage in sex acts for pay and other items of value, including drugs and alcohol.
This report documents the charges and legal status of each of these cases that involve charges of violent extremism or trafficking in persons." In 2018, ILHAN OMAR ran for the 5th Congressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives — the seat formerly held by Black Muslim and Farrakhan follower Keith Ellison. That district contained an estimated 100,000 people of Somali heritage, making it by far the largest such community in the United States. On November 6, 2018, Omar won her congressional race, capturing 78% of the vote. In the section of her district known as the Cedar-Riverside area violent crimes rose from 54 in 2010 to 84 in 2018, largely driven by a surge in robberies and assaults, according to Minneapolis police statistics. Authorities point to a rivalry between East African gangs as a cause of much of the violence. In one day five Somalis were shot in separate attacks, one fatally. Police and community members pinned the blame for the bloodshed on an ongoing feud between Cedar-Riverside neighborhood gangs like 1627 and Madhiban With Attitude (MWA) and their rivals, the Somali Outlaws, whose territory includes the area around Karmel Mall. Friday’s shootings were a repeat of a familiar pattern: a shooting on one gang’s turf is usually followed hours, if not minutes later by an “eye-for-an-eye” response so as not to appear weak, community members say. Two shootings last month are also blamed on the conflict.
They [Somali refugees] also bring cultural and law enforcement challenges: the practice of polygamy and female genital mutilation, low workforce participation by men, and inexperience with the requirements of citizenship and voting,” stated the Center of the American Experiment—Minnesota’s premier conservative think tank—in 2016. It has counted VPs from multiple Fortune 500 companies on its board over the years, including John Gibbs of Comcast and Bill Guidera of 21st Century Fox.
I am deeply heartbroken and disturbed by the death of Justine Damond, in the hands of MPD Officer Mohamed Noor. Read my statement here: pic.twitter.com/gOGroJEFCZ ILHAN OMAR:
"Muslims for a really long time in this country have been told that there is a privilege, that there is a privilege that we are given, and it might be taken away. We are told that we should be appropriate, we should go to school, get an education, raise our children and not bother anyone, not make any kind of noise. Don’t make anyone uncomfortable — be a good Muslim. But no matter how much we have tried to be the best neighbor, people have always worked on finding a way to not allow for every single civil liberty to be extended to us.
So the truth is you can go to school and be a good student. You can listen to your dad and mom and become a doctor. You can have that beautiful wedding that makes mom and dad happy. You can buy that beautiful house. But none of that stuff matters if you one day show up to the hospital and your wife, or maybe yourself, is having a baby, and you can’t have the access that you need because someone doesn’t recognize you as fully human. It doesn’t matter how good you were if you can’t have your prayer mat and take your 15-minute break to go pray in a country that was founded on religious liberty. It doesn’t matter how good you are if you one day find yourself in a school where other religions are talked about, but when Islam is mentioned, we are only talking about terrorists. And if you say something, you are sent to the principal’s office." It is Islam that doesn't recognize disbelievers as fully human, not Christianity.
Sura: 7-163-166 "And ask them about the town that was by the sea - when they transgressed in the matter of the sabbath - when their fish came to them openly on their sabbath day, and the day they had no sabbath they did not come to them. Thus did We give them trial because they were defiantly disobedient And when a community among them said, Why do you advise or warn a people whom Allah is about to destroy or to punish with a severe punishment?" they the advisors said, To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him." And when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We saved those who had forbidden evil and seized those who wronged, with a wretched punishment, because they were defiantly disobeying. So when they were insolent about that which they had been forbidden, We said to them, Be apes, despised." Omar told Fox News that it was “silly” to compare President Trump with former President Barack Obama, adding: “One is human. The other is really not.”
"So to me, I say, raise hell; make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth — here’s the truth: Far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. So you can’t just say that today someone is looking at me strange, that I am going to try to make myself look pleasant. You have to say, “This person is looking at me strange. I am not comfortable with it. I am going to go talk to them and ask them why.” Because that is a right you have. OMAR is demeaning the destruction caused by Islamist on 9/11 and her sick, self hating American constituents don't have the self respect they once did where a statement like that would mean her political demise. OMAR then says that if anyone if looks at you in a way you feel is demeaning, doesn't say anything, just looks, then you have to immediately cop an attitude.
"So we are coming off a tragic, tragic nightmare that has happened to Muslims in New Zealand. Many of us know that this is not a one-off incident. Many of us were not shocked or surprised. Many of us were kind of holding our breath for a really long time thinking when will something like this happen? Some people, like me, know that he understands the consequences. He knows that there are people that he can influence to threaten our lives, to diminish our presence, but what we know and what Islam teaches us, and what I always say is that love trumps hate,” she said. Because many of us have experienced threats in our mosques, in our schools, even for our individual leaders, many of us have witnessed bombings of — of mosques, many of us have seen mosques set on fire, many people few years ago watched in horror as gunmen showed up to Irving, Texas at a mosque threatening Muslims. So, we all — we all kind of knew that this was happening. But the reason I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse is that we finally have a leader, a world leader in the White House who publicly says, Islam hates us, who fuels hate against Muslims, who thinks it is OK — it is OK to speak about a faith and a whole community in a way that is dehumanizing, vilifying, and doesn’t understand — or at least makes us want to think that he doesn’t understand, the consequences that his words might have." Notice how the New Zealand attack merits the words "tragic tragic nightmare" not "someone did something" in New Zealand. Then the New Zealand attack gets blamed on Trump.
“Yes…. Nobody wants to face how the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of the radicalization and the rise of terrorist acts. Usually most people want to not look internal and see what their actions that makes another react. For us [Americans], it’s always ‘I must have not done anything. Why is it happening to me?’ Nobody wants to take accountability of how these are byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs.” This is 911 Revisionism which is popular among Jew haters.
During a Democratic primary debate which was held at a Minnesota synagogue in August 2018, Omar was asked to specify “exactly where you stand” on the Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative aimed at financially crippling the state of Israel. Her reply made it clear that she viewed BDS as a counterproductive policy: “I believe right now with the BDS movement, it’s not helpful in getting that two-state solution. I think the particular purpose for [BDS] is to make sure that there is pressure, and I think that pressure really is counteractive. Because in order for us to have a process of getting to a two-state solution, people have to be willing to come to the table and have a conversation about how that is going to be possible and I think that stops the dialogue.”
ILHAN OMAR: “We must be asking, as Israel’s ally, that Netanyahu stop the expansion of settlements on Palestinian land and ensure full rights for Palestinians if we are to give them aid.”
ILHAN OMAR introduced a resolution in support of the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions movement saying it was in a long tradition of U.S. boycotts.
"Americans of conscience have a proud history of participating in boycotts to advocate for human rights abroad including ... boycotting Nazi Germany from March 1933 to October 1941 in response to the dehumanization of the Jewish people in the lead-up to the Holocaust," ILHAN OMAR said in the resolution.
Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. Twitter feed [4] (Nov 16, 2012)
I am told every day that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks.
3 March 2019 >I am sure @AOC and every member of Congress who cares about children will sign on. Super proud of @BettyMcCollum04 for her leadership on this issue 12 June 2019 regarding H.R 2407 (introduced 30 April 2019) of the 116th Congress (Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act) previously known as H.R. 4391 (Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act) as part of the 115th Congress, introduced November 2017. Highlighted 14 June 2019
EVIDENCE: @IlhanMN told an opponent “why don’t we deport you to where ever you came from” in 2012!! One day very soon ???? https://t.co/eSvwOHmayM This aborted trip was sponsored by Miftah First, the group actually published blood libel, posting an article that accused “the Jews [of using] the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover.” When pro-Israel bloggers condemned the article, Miftah first claimed that the attacks against the piece were part of a “smear campaign” and minimized the reference to blood libel as merely “briefly addressed.” It’s also published an American neo-Nazi treatise called “Who Rules America: The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be broken” Miftah ran an article accusing Israel of stealing organs from Ukrainian children and earthquake victims in Haiti. The group celebrates terrorists, including an evil woman who helped murder 13 Israeli children. In an article titled “Let Us Honor Our Own,” a Miftah contributor describes Dalal Al Mughrabi as “a Palestinian fighter who was killed during a military operation against Israel in 1978” and as one of the Palestinian people’s “national heroes.” The so-called “military operation” is more widely known as the “Coastal Road Massacre,” a bus hijacking that resulted in the deaths of 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children. Al Mughrabi is hardly the only terrorist Miftah celebrates. It described female suicide bomber Wafa Idrees as the “the beginning of a string of Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause.” It singles out for recognition Hanadi Jaradat, a woman who blew herself up in a restaurant, killing 21 people (including four children).
As public officials we can’t really sue, and just have to live with all the vile untrue things people say about us. "ILHAN OMAR has been seen getting up close and personal with married aide Tim Mynett, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal. DailyMailTV revealed ILHAN OMAR was dining and holding hands with a mystery man at a secluded Italian restaurant outside of Los Angeles back in March. That man can now be identified as Mynett, who had tried to prevent a bystander from taking a video of them. The Minnesota congresswoman, 37, has been carrying on with Mynett, 38, a campaign fundraising strategist, for several months, according to a source. Mynett is married to Dr. Beth Mynett, but DailyMail.com has confirmed that he has recently left their marital home and is now living in a D.C. apartment. ILHAN OMAR's camp has paid Mynett's company - E Street Group - more than $250K in consulting fees and travel expenses, dating from last August until June 11, according to Federal Election Commission records. The intimate dinner came to light days after DailyMail.com revealed Omar had recently split with her husband Ahmed Hirsi, the father of her three children." As the next tweet show she took too much heat from the adultery publicity so she went back with the Hirsi-Bar. What it doesn't show is that he later flipped on her and asked for a divorce!
It’s great to see you Mukhtar! https://t.co/jwxg4X1onK "Choices
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) started the Choices Campus Leadership Program to inform young feminists about the very real threats to abortion access, women’s rights, affirmative action, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights posed by right-wing extremists. Our program provides students with opportunities to learn about timely feminist issues, develop their leadership and organizing skills, and connect with the larger pro-choice and feminist movements. For more information, CLICK " Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Dr. Beth Jordan: More Women Choosing Medical Abortion A great post up at Vitals: Spotlight has good news today on medical abortion. According to a study by Planned Parenthood, last year one quarter of women who chose abortion used medicine instead of surgery. Feminist Majority Foundation Medical Director, Dr. Beth Jordan, who fought for FDA approval of this medicine for 12 years, says that this study, which also details the extremely low-risk of taking the drugs, is very promising for the future of reproductive rights for women. Jordan, who is also the medical director of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, hopes that more physicians will offer the abortion pill given the results of the study. The medical option gives women more control and privacy over their abortion, and has been proven to be very safe. Used during the first nine weeks of pregnancy, the drugs are taken orally and come in two doses. First, mifeprex is given at at the doctor's office, and 24-48 hours later misoprostol is taken. Experts are hopeful that as women learn more about the medical option for abortion, more women will choose it. Dr. Jordan is also an abortion provider at Planned Parenthood
No amount of threats or made up controversies will distract me from focusing on addressing critical issues in our district, country and world. TV station WCCO asked, “Are you separated from your husband? Are you dating somebody?” The Congresswoman replied, “No, I am not. As I said yesterday, I have no interest in allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue and so I have no desire to discuss it.” Rep. Omar also declined to discuss continued accusations that at one point she married her brother for immigration purposes — an allegation that first surfaced three years ago and that she repeatedly has called absurd. WCCO asked, “You seem completely unphased and unbowed by negative publicity about your personal life that you don’t want to comment on. How do you do it?” Omar answered, “I know who I am. The people who I love know who I am and what I care about. I have three beautiful little children and a family to care for, so for me, my focus is doing the work that I feel I was destined to do.” These are the most interesting passages from the divorce proceeding. What a total scumbag OMAR is for involving the Mynett's son when his mother was away. But this doesn't phase her constituents whose morality is non-existent. "As long as she does her job in D.C. who cares?"
"The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019 when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar, who serves as a U.S. Representative from Minnesota (hereafter Rep. Omar). Defendant met Rep. Omar while working for her. Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage. Defendant however told her that was not an option for him. He provided no other explanation for his sudden change of heart nor had he discussed being unhappy with their marriage. Defendant then physically moved from the marital home on April 8, 2019. Defendant's involvement with the minor child has been sporadic due to his extensive travel and long work hours (on reflection, Defendant's more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments, averaging 12 days per month away from home over the past year). More recently, even when Defendant was not traveling and was home with the family, he was preoccupied and emotionally volatile. Plaintiff has significant reservations about Defendant's judgment and ability to care for their son on a consistent basis. By way of example, days prior to Defendant's devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and his admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties' son to dinner to formally meet for the first time at the family's favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties' son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family's home. The following evening, again while Plaintiff was away, Defendant told William he was going, to an event with Rep. Omar and, upon information and belief, never came home that night. Defendant's lack of judgment is troubling on many levels. Most concerning is that Defendant put his son in harm's way by taking him out in public with Rep. Omar who at that time had garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats, one rising to the level of arresting the known would be assassin that same week." Plaintiff, Beth Mynett (hereinafter "Plaintiff'), by and through her attorneys, Jonathan M. Dana, Jennifer A. Davison, and Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP, states as follows in support of her Complaint for Legal Separation, Custody, Child-Support, Equitable Distribution of Property, and Other Related relief (hereinafter "Complaint”)
1. Plaintiff an adult citizen of the United States who presently is and, for more than six months next preceding the filing of this Complaint, has been a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia, having resided at the above-captioned address since 2006.
2. Defendant is an adult citizen of the United States and is a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia.
3. The Parties have been living together as family since January 2006 and were married on June 21, 2012 in the District of Columbia.
4. The Parties have a thirteen year old son, born February 8, 2006. He is in the primary custody of his mother who is a fit and proper person to have custody.
5. The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019 when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar, who serves as a U.S. Representative from Minnesota (hereafter Rep. Omar). Defendant met Rep. Omar while working for her. Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him and was willing to fight for the marriage. Defendant however told her that was not an option for him. He provided no other explanation for his sudden change of heart nor had he discussed being unhappy with their marriage. Defendant then physically moved from the marital home on April 8, 2019.
6. It is clear to Plaintiff that her marriage to Defendant is over and that there is no hope of reconciliation. Accordingly, the separation is now mutual and voluntary.
7. As required by D.C. Code § 16-4602.9 (a) (2006 Repl.), Plaintiff states the following:
(1) Plaintiff has not participated, as a party or witness or in any other capacity, in any other proceeding concerning the custody of or visitation with the minor child.
(2) Plaintiff knows of no other proceeding that could affect the current proceeding, including proceedings for enforcement and proceedings relating to domestic violence, protective orders, termination of parental rights, or adoptions.
(3) Plaintiff knows of no other person not a party to this proceeding who has physical custody of the children or claims rights of legal custody or physical custody, or visitation with the minor child.
(4) Plaintiff and the minor child continue to reside in the marital residence locate Washington, D.C. 20011. Since the Parties' separation, the minor child had spent some time with Defendant at Washington, DC 20011;
8. Plaintiff is and has always been the primary caregiver to the parties' son and is intimately involved in every aspect of their son's life. As between the parties, Plaintiff is the parent who has historically been responsible for the child's day-to-day care and for payment for handling the vast majority of responsibilities related to his school, medical care, and extracurricular activities.
9. In contrast, Defendant's involvement with the minor child has been sporadic due to his extensive travel and long work hours (on reflection, Defendant's more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments, averaging 12 days per month away from home over the past year). More recently, even when Defendant was not traveling and was home with the family, he was preoccupied and emotionally volatile.
10. Plaintiff has significant reservations about Defendant's judgment and ability to care for their son on a consistent basis. By way of example, days prior to Defendant's devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and his admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties' son to dinner to formally meet for the first time at the family's favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties' son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family's home. The following evening, again while Plaintiff was away, Defendant told William he was going, to an event with Rep. Omar and, upon information and belief, never came home that night.
11. Defendant's lack of judgment is troubling on many levels. Most concerning is that Defendant put his son in harm's way by taking him out in public with Rep. Omar who at that time had garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats, one rising to the level of arresting the known would be assassin that same week.
12. Defendant has a history of emotional volatility that can cause him to become easily angered and rageful, making it difficult to live with him at times. In contrast, Defendant has described Plaintiff as "stable and trustworthy."
13. It is in the minor child's best interest to remain in his mother's primary custody and care. Plaintiff has a very close and loving relationship with her son, and she is a, fit and proper person to have primary custody of William. Defendant should have reasonable access to the parties' son, taking into consideration William's safety and best interests.
14. Plaintiff is 55 years old and is employed as the Medical Director and Health Services Administrator of the D. C. Department of Corrections. Defendant is 38 years old and is a political strategist and Partner at E Street Group Consulting, a successful political consulting firm he recently founded. Upon information and belief, Defendant's current income is comparable to Plaintiff’s income, with a strong potential for much higher earnings in the very near future (2020) defendant is well able to contribute to the support of his minor son.
15. Plaintiff has been a devoted and loving partner and wife to Defendant throughout the parties' fourteen-year relationship. She has been unwavering in her support of Defendant's career and his recent efforts to launch his business, E Street Group Consulting; Defendant recently acknowledged to others that Plaintiff has "given me everything I needed to succeed." Defendant is choosing to end the marriage at a time when he is poised to enter his highest earning years, and to abandon his wife who is much closer to the end of her professional career and is left to face a financially insecure future as a result of Defendant's unilateral decision.
16. The Parties acquired their family home together in 2006, prior to their marriage. Plaintiff used her funds for the: closing costs to purchase the home; It was also her income which paid the majority of the mortgage and maintenance and renovation costs, the latter of which Defendant has refused to fully contribute to, despite his promises to the contrary. Defendant’s actions have created financial uncertainty for Plaintiff and she should be awarded the home, and all of the equity there in.
17. During the marriage the Parties acquired various tangible and intangible properties, including bank and cash accounts, retirement assets, automobiles, furniture, furnishings, which are all marital assets subject to equitable division by this Court. Plaintiff was the primary breadwinner for the family during the majority of the Parties years together. Plaintiff made very substantial monetary contributions to the acquisition, preservation, and appreciation in value of the Parties' estate.
18. Defendant was able to develop a successful career and high earning potential during the parties' long-term relationship. From the very beginning of their relationship until just before he left the marital home, Defendant took advantage of Plaintiffs network of professional and personal contacts to help launch and grow his career as political consultant. His ability to pursue his professional ambitions was only possible because of Plaintiff’s unconditional willingness to assume the lion's share of financial and day to day responsibilities for the parties' son and the family household (in addition to her role as the primary earner for the family prior to Defendant's devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and his admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties' son to dinner to formally meet for the first time at the family's favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town. Rep. Omar gave the parties' son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family's home. The following evening, again while Plaintiff was away, Defendant told William he was going, to an event with Rep. Omar and, upon information and belief, never came home that night.
11. Defendant's lack of judgment is troubling on many levels. Most concerning is that Defendant put his son in harm's way by taking him out in public with Rep. Omar who at that time had garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats, one rising to the level of arresting the known would be assassin that same week.
12. Defendant has a history of emotional volatility that can cause him to become easily angered and rageful, making it difficult to live with him at times. In contrast, Defendant has described Plaintiff as "stable and trustworthy."
13. It is in the minor child's best interest to remain in his mother's primary custody and care. Plaintiff has a very close and loving relationship with her son, and she is a, fit and proper person to have primary custody of William. Defendant should have reasonable access to the parties' son, taking into consideration William's safety and best interests.
14. Plaintiff is 55 years old and is employed as the Medical Director and Health Services Administrator of the D. C. Department of Corrections. Defendant is 88 years old and is a political strategist and Partner at E Street Group Consulting, a successful political consulting firm he recently founded. Upon information and belief, Defendant's current income is comparable to Plaintiff’s income, with a .standing potential for much higher earnings in the very near future (2020). Defendant is well able to contribute to the support of his minor son.
15. Plaintiff has been a devoted and loving partner and wife to Defendant throughout the parties' fourteen-year relationship. She has been unwavering in her support of Defendant's career and his recent efforts to launch his business, E Street Group Consulting; Defendant recently acknowledged to others that Plaintiff has "given me everything I needed to succeed." Defendant is choosing to end the marriage at a time when he is poised to enter his highest earning years, and to abandon wife who is much closer to the end of her professional career and is left to face a financially insecure future as a result of Defendant's unilateral decision.
16. The Parties acquired their family home together in 2006, prior to their marriage. Plaintiff used her funds for the closing costs to purchase the home; It was also her income which paid the majority of the mortgage and maintenance and renovation costs, the latter of which Defendant has refused to fully contribute to, despite his promises to the contrary. Defendant’ actions have created financial uncertainty for Plaintiff and she should be awarded the home and all of the equity therein.
17. During the marriage the Parties acquired various tangible and intangible properties, including bank and cash accounts, retirement assets, automobiles, furniture, furnishings, which are all marital assets subject to equitable division by this Court. Plaintiff was the primary breadwinner for the family during the majority of the Parties years together. Plaintiff made very substantial monetary contributions to the acquisition, preservation, and appreciation in value of the Parties' estate.
18. Defendant was able to develop a successful career and high earning potential during the parties' long-term relationship. From the very beginning of their relationship until just before he left the marital home, Defendant took advantage of Plaintiffs network of professional and personal contacts to help launch and grow his career as a political consultant. His ability to pursue his professional ambitions was only possible because of Plaintiff’s unconditional willingness to assume the lion's share of financial and day to day responsibilities for the parties' son and the family household (in addition to her role as the primary earner for the family).
19. Plaintiff worked arduously before filing this Complaint to try to achieve an amicable settlement with her husband. Defendant refused, and instead threatened to malign her and ruin her career if she sought assistance of the Court. In the face of the Plaintiff’s difficult decision to seek assistance from the• Court, Defendant has also begun threatening not to pay for his share of their joint financial responsibilities, conveniently asserting after their separation that he is nearly broke, and his business is floundering. Defendant's bullying tactics are disappointing, but not surprising. . .
20. In deciding the equities of this case, the Court should take into consideration Plaintiff's very significant non-monetary contributions to Defendant's career success and the well-being of the family unit.
Therefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this court:
1. Grant Plaintiff a legal separation from Defendant on the ground of a mutual and voluntary separation without cohabitation;
2. Award the Parties joint legal custody of the minor child;
3. Award Plaintiff primary physical custody of the minor child, with liberal access to Defendant;
4. Establish an access schedule in the best interest and safety of the minor child;
5. Order Defendant to contribute towards the support of the minor child in accordance with the best interests of the child and prior family experience aild commensurate with the proportion of time that William is in each parent's care;
6. Award Plaintiff her sole and separate property;
7. Award Plaintiff the marital home (and the into consideration that Defendant owes Plaintiff money for agreed-to renovation costs);
8. Identify, value, and equitably distribute the parties' marital property after full consideration of all relevant statutory factors, giving particular weight to Plaintiffs substantial contributions to the acquisition and appreciation in value of such property;
9. Award Plaintiff her reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with this action;
10. Grant such other and further relief the nature of this case requites.
9. Plaintiff worked arduously before filing this Complaint to try to achieve an amicable settlement with her husband. Defendant refused, and instead threatened to malign her and ruin her career if she sought assistance of the Court. In the face of the Plaintiff’s difficult decision to seek assistance from the Court, Defendant has also begun threatening not to pay for his share of their joint financial responsibilities, conveniently asserting after their separation that he is nearly broke, and his business is floundering. Defendant's bullying tactics are disappointing, but not surprising.
10. In deciding the equities of this case, the Court should take into consideration Plaintiff's very significant non-monetary contributions to Defendant's career success and the well-being of the family unit.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this court:
1. Grant Plaintiff a legal separation from Defendant on the ground of a mutual and voluntary separation without cohabitation;
2. Award the Parties joint legal custody of the minor child;
3. Award Plaintiff primary physical custody of the minor child, with liberal access to Defendant;
4. Establish an access schedule in the best interest and safety of the minor child;
5. Order Defendant to contribute towards the support of the minor child in accordance with the best interests of the child and prior family experience and commensurate with the proportion of time that William is in each parent's care;
6. Award Plaintiff her sole and separate property;
7. Award Plaintiff the marital home (and take into consideration that Defendant owes Plaintiff money for agreed-to renovation costs);
8. Identify, value and equitably distribute the parties' marital property after full consideration of all relevant statutory factors, giving particular weight to Plaintiffs substantial contributions to the acquisition and appreciation in value of such property;
9. Award Plaintiff her reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with this action;
10. Grant such other and further relief a the nature of this case requites.
Beth Jordan Mynett wasn't the first woman ILHAN OMAR has driven from her House. Omar defeated a Jew, Phyllis Kahn who was is in her 19th term in the Minnesota House of Representatives.
1. Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District
Current representative: Rep. Ilhan Omar (Democratic Party)
Poverty rate: 37.2% black; 9.4% white
Unemployment rate: 12.3% black; 4.0% white
Homeownership rate: 19.8% black; 63.1% white
Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District covers the city of Minneapolis. Rep. Ilhan Omar was elected to represent the district in 2018. She is the first refugee and Somali-American woman ever to serve in the U.S. Congress. Black area residents are about four times more likely to live below the poverty line than white residents and three times more likely to be unemployed. Disparate outcomes along racial lines in the district are largely the legacy of historic racism. Minneapolis is one of several Midwestern cities that enacted restrictive housing covenants and exclusionary zoning policies in the early 20th century. These policies impact residential patterns to this day. REFERENCE
Oof. Looks like both Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib shared this awful Carlos Latuff cartoon in Instagram stories yesterday. In 2006, Latuff came in second in Iran's International Holocaust Cartoon Contest, which is a thing that exists, in case you thought the TL couldn't get any worse. pic.twitter.com/uwyBPAsz7T Omar makes her "some people did something" speech to CAIR and Moslem Brotherhood front.
Omar appears on terrorist supporters show. Makes cryptic statement about how her professor put verbal emphasis on the names of terrorist groups. See clip here
Slips and admits her real loyalty is to Al-Shabaab in Somalia.
Omar and her now ditched husband. This was posted on the Jews Against Ilhan Omar Facebook page "This pigture is a long time ago Ahmed hersi is no longer with ilhan anymore she is a Congress woman Ahmed he always sitting and talking over the Starbucks."
Shabaab is still killing Americans. OMAR is a traitor to America and does not belong here.
"November 23, 2009 NPR a federal grand jury in Minneapolis unsealed a roster of indictments charging a handful of men with recruiting young Somali-Americans to fight for a terrorist organization in Somalia. Law enforcement officials revealed details of a more than yearlong investigation into the disappearance of some two dozen young Somalis from the Twin Cities area. November 23, 2009 Prosecutors allege that the suspects provided financial support to young men from the Somali community in Minneapolis to go to Somalia and fight on behalf of al-Shabab, a group on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations. Five of the Minnesotans have been killed. September 16, 2009 Earlier this week, U.S. Special Forces killed a man U.S. intelligence said was the link between an Islamic militia in Somalia and al-Qaida in Pakistan. But he also had a connection to the U.S. that has not been reported: He was a senior instructor for new al-Shabab recruits, including a handful of young Somali-Americans from Minneapolis. Regarding violent extremism, between 2013-2015, there were 16 known cases of Somalis who attempted or succeeded in joining ISIS. This included Somali-American men from Minneapolis who were arrested by the FBI for attempting to join ISIS between May 2014 and December 2015." By ASSOCIATED PRESS JULY 13, 2019 10:57 AM
"Reporting from Mogadishu, Somalia — At least four Shabab assailants attacked the Asasey Hotel on Friday evening, beginning with a suicide car bomb at the entrance gate and followed by an assault by gunmen who stormed the hotel, which is frequented by politicians, patrons and lawmakers. Islamic extremists blew open the gate of a hotel in southern Somalia with a car bomb and took over the building for more than 14 hours, leaving 26 people dead before Somali forces who besieged the hotel overnight killed the attackers. The victims included a prominent Canadian Somali journalist. Three Kenyans, three Tanzanians, two Americans and a Briton were also among the dead in the attack in the port city of Kismayo, according to Ahmed Madobe, president of the surrounding Jubbaland state. Fifty-six people, including two Chinese, were injured, he told reporters. The ensuing standoff and battle lasted more than 14 hours before troops shot dead all attackers inside the hotel compound, said Col. Abdiqadir Nur, a local police officer."
Omar spoke in Brooklyn of not giving up, the Muslim Ban, and what it means to be one of first two Muslim women in Congress. Also in attendance at Widdi Hall were a total of 30 elected officials including Borough President Eric Adams, State Senator Andrew Gounardes, NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray, District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, COUNCIL MEMBER HELEN ROSENTHAL, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (and Una Clarke), Council Member Jumaane Williams, and Assembly Member Robert Carroll.
“We are excited to shape the narrative of what Palestinians, what Somalis, what Yemenis, what Syrians, what Muslims in this nation are like,” she said. “We are excited to talk about what the next generation can look like in the shaping of America that no longer sees us as second class citizens. My sister Rashida and I will not rest a day until this ban is overturned and religious discrimination is no more in this country. If we decided that our aunties, our uncles, our children, our cousins are all going to show up and cast a ballot every single election, no one would dare to implement a Muslim ban,” she said boldly. “If we decided that we would donate $10, $20, $100, $1000 to candidates, no one would dare to question why a Muslim woman who is in Congress gets to be seated on a Foreign Affairs Committee. People get to walk around us and talk about us as if we’re invisible. We don’t have a reason to hide ourselves. We don’t have a reason to shy away from being a Muslim unapologetically. People share an ugly narrative of what it means to be a Muslim. So what I ask you to do is to help me, to help yourself, to help our children, and to help the generation not yet born to shape a beautiful narrative of what it means to be Muslim not only in this country but in this world. Are you in?” THE DEATH WARRANTS
The New Yorker reported:
The Daily Mail erroneously reported:
By George Soros
Washington Post
Thursday, February 3, 2011
But we should also condemn any effort to equate this with the occupation or use this as a distraction.
a name="chapter21">
The fight against terrorism is a collective one and we must all commit ourselves to it.
We also must not let those who spread violence and terror defeat our spirit. https://t.co/nW6HH6LTNcSECURITY STRIPPING AMERICA
Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity! https://t.co/p403vp5nHQ
Omar, who was accused this week of having an affair with a married man, lectured the audience about the "moral high ground" pic.twitter.com/1wxtgw7I9x
I will continue to fight for citizenship for all undocumented people living in the U.S., including DREAMERs and TPS recipients.
Help us reunite separated families. Learn more & donate here ? https://t.co/bXLSW23WHJ#Muslims4Migrants pic.twitter.com/plMeZX584oHATES OBAMA FOR GOING AFTER TERRORISTS
Gang of 12 Somali teen thugs savagely beat an American man, steal his valuables & strip off his clothes
Police have arrested more than a dozen cultural enrichers, some as young as 13https://t.co/W8xyCHxFhu pic.twitter.com/esB3zp3XVo
You can’t make this stuff up!
Retweet so her duplicity is exposed for all to see! https://t.co/fGv0ECZaOJTHE ISRAEL VISIT SCAM
But we can make sure people understand what love for America really looks like and that this idiot doesn’t have an inch of the love I have for our country! https://t.co/tOaW9P7yaaLOOK AT THE BONA FIDES OF THE WOMAN WHOSE MARRIAGE OMAR DESTROYED
Because that’s why my constituents sent me to Washington. #unshakable https://t.co/NFkSTvI2CvSUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
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